BENEDICT IS DRIVEN BY HOW IT CAN SUPPLY A RECYCLED PRODUCT RATHER THAN A QUARRIED ONE Benedict Industries is the second biggest recycler in the Sydney area Mindful of conserving its finite quarry resources, But Mr Dupere says a more supportive Benedict is driven by how it can supply a recycled regulatory environment is needed to expand the product rather than a quarried one. use of recycled materials, including adjusting ‘When quarries close, stuff comes from further and product specifications where there is equivalent further away which, environmentally, is not a good performance and even mandating a certain result. You start wearing the roads out with trucks. percentage in government work. That’s what’s happened to Sydney,’ he says. ‘As long as it performs the same why can’t we ‘We need to replace quarried products because use it? It’s better for the environment, it’s better all our next quarry is going to be 400 kilometres away the way round,’ Mr Dupere says. and I don’t like the thought of that.’ Now a property developer as well, Mr Dupere Mr Dupere believes Benedict’s dual role as a says the challenge for the building industry is quarry owner and recycler has given it the edge in delivering affordable dwellings because not product development. everybody wants to live in an apartment. ‘We’re fortunate because our DNA is as a ‘It doesn’t have to be big patch of dirt but it Ernest Dupere of quarrying business so we understand how to make needs to be a patch of dirt that’s theirs,’ he says. Benedict Industries products, and because we’re also heavily involved Mr Dupere suggests the answer is to take in the recycling business we can apply those terrace living to the suburbs but the government ‘WE’RE FORTUNATE disciplines,’ he says. needs to knock down planning hurdles and allow BECAUSE OUR DNA He says Benedict can engineer products from 120-square metre blocks. IS AS A QUARRYING waste when others cannot and the company plans ‘Everybody’s idea of higher density is high-rise BUSINESS SO WE to open four more recycling facilities in the next but it’s not. You can have nice two- to three-storey UNDERSTAND two years. terraces like they have in the inner city of Sydney HOW TO MAKE ‘I always believe you can engineer an equivalent and Melbourne – they would be wildly popular and PRODUCTS’ solution,’ Mr Dupere says. the efficiencies of construction are there,’ he says. ‘That’s how the building industry can supply There are savings all round if that adequate housing at an affordable price.’ waste can be diverted to recycling Benedict has partnered with Mirvac in two major projects, at Moorebank near Liverpool and Menangle, south-west of Sydney. The key is listening to builders and anticipating Its decommissioned Moorebank quarry is to be their needs, supplying products they want to use transformed into a marina with 350 apartments, 35 that are very cost-competitive with virgin quarry terraces, 180 houses, and a shopping centre with product. another 180 apartment and offices. Mr Dupere says site drainage products, The Menangle Creamery site south-west of Sydney structural soils, soil blends and gravel are all is to be redeveloped into a major new destination sourced from recycled materials and builders are with a train station, new town centre, restored going to see increased percentages of recycled heritage buildings, brewery, distillery, restaurants, content in their aggregates, as well as glass in hotel and a concert amphitheatre for 20,000 people. concrete sands, which at present do not include ‘We want to create something special,’ Mr any recycled material. Dupere says. Benedict is looking to re-enter the glass ‘That’s what drives me, I’m not driven by money sand market and introduce a range of concrete these days – I’m driven by solving problems and and asphalt sands, with a percentage of post- creating good outcomes.’ consumer glass crushed into it. MAY 2018 HOUSING 15