ON FARM SHEEP BUSINESS MANAGEMENTC Taking a whole‑farm approach Working with his uncles Paul and Peter, sold their beef herd in MLA’s market and their cousin Pat) was the early 2000s to focus information completed 10 years ago. on sheep, in response to team and a not‑for‑profit Jack and his cousin the strengthening global organisation in rural Brad Cavanagh (a senior sheepmeat market. Africa might not be a manager), are part of the They now sell July‑drop prerequisite for farm next generation that have lambs in January at around management, but returned back to the farm 50kg liveweight for domestic they were invaluable full‑time. and export markets. experiences for NSW Such a complex family‑run Know your cost of producer Jack O’Connor. structure presents its share production of challenges, so Jack “Business EDGE gave me a Jack (pictured) studied was keen to build his own good handle on how cost of agricultural economics at business skills. production affects business the University of Sydney and profitability,” Jack said. worked with MLA before He completed an MLA spending 12 months in Business EDGE course in “For example, labour is a Uganda, managing a farm 2018, run by Holmes Sackett, significant cost, so investing and community engagement which equipped him with in laneways or improved projects for the Manjeri tools and strategies to betteryard design can make you far School Project in Buikwe. understand the essential more labour‑efficient in the ingredients of a resilient long term.” “I gained important life skillsfarming enterprise. such as working in a team, Last year, Jack and Brad understanding different “Working with MLA gave introduced a new farm me a strong perspective livestock divisions are each business structures and management tool, AgriWebb, overseen by two directors, embracing challenges,” of the macro‑economics to improve efficiency of but major business decisions he said. of the industry, but I also livestock activities. wanted to understand the take both enterprises He returned to his family’s economics of our business. They’re rolling out the into account. wool, prime lamb and Business EDGE provided smartphone software to “We consider how all aspects cropping enterprise, ‘Oxton important information at both replace spreadsheet‑based of our business can benefit, Park’, in 2017, and has property and industry levels,”record keeping. rather than operating as silos. spent the past 18 months Jack said. “We want to optimise every For example, we’re exploring immersing himself in He returned to the farm aspect of our valuable new crop varieties which will the business. with some solid guiding resources, so this app gives also provide grazing options,” Jack is the third generation principles, including these us greater transparency Jack said. to work at Oxton Park, which five pointers: across farm activities, They also take a holistic covers 8,000ha at Harden Be ready for new improves efficiency and approach when considering and Young and employs 12 opportunities supports management new products and services. full‑time equivalent staff. decisions,” Jack said. A readiness to change “It’s important not to just Succession planning allows businesses to take Look at the business jump onto the latest thing, with Oxton Park’s current advantage of opportunity. as a whole but assess what value it can directors (Jack’s father John, For example, the O’Connors Oxton Park’s cropping and bring to the whole business.” 20