SUPPLY CHAIN SUPPLY CHAIN DELIVERING VALUE DEXA roll‑out continues Scarcase measurementaccess to objectiveheepmeat producerswill have greaterof the technology and unlock themeat processing facilities werekeen to accelerate the adoptionmany economic benefits it offersthroughout the value chain. data with three more lamb processing facilities installing“Those benefits include industry‑wide DEXA (dual‑energy X‑ray productivity gains through lamb absorptiometry) technology. processing automation, genetic improvement and data‑based MLA is supporting the introductionon‑farm decision making,” he said. of new lamb DEXA systems at one processing facility in WA, one in“The new installations are being NSW and another in Victoria. Thesupported by MLA as research and technology will be retro‑fitted intodevelopment projects because the existing lamb processing they generate will be used to provide commercial feedback Lamb DEXA systems are alreadywithin the respective company installed at JBS Brooklyn, Victoria,supply chains, and for use by MLA and JBS Bordertown, SA. for other R&D purposes. DEXA technology provides timely,“For every DEXA system installed accurate and objective informationin a processing facility, MLA on the lean meat, bone and fatoffers to support one‑on‑one composition of each carcase, engagement with producers paving the way for scientificregarding yield results included in measurement of saleable meat feedback sheets.” ■ yield and a subsequent shift to a value‑based marketing system. Sean Starling MLA General Manager – MDC, E: Research, Development and Innovation, Sean Starling, said red 37