IN MARKET GROWING DEMAND Breeding a beef marketing brainchild MLA Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, Lisa Sharp; Minister for Resources and Northern Australia, Matt Canavan; Western Kangoulu Director, Jonathan Malone; Kelvin Dunrobin, Urannah Properties Association, Mackay; and University of Southern Queensland’s Professor Alice Woodhead at the launch of the project at Beef Australia 2018 in Rockhampton. Abeef brand with a of Southern Queensland (USQ) and capability with the potential to difference is taking and MLA Donor Company (MDC) is significantly improve farm‑gate returns shape in Queensland, examining the commercial viability ofand overall supply chain performance. with MLA‑backed Indigenous‑branded beef products andFor Western Kangoulu representative research showing promise services, including developing a supplyKelvin Dunrobin, to see an for the Indigenous‑owned chain strategy. Indigenous‑owned beef brand on ‘Blackfella Beef’. Growing Central Queensland and the table recognises the historic ties members from the Wangan and between Aboriginal stockmen and It’s the brainchild of Indigenous Queensland cattle stations, including groups in central Queensland to Jagalingou Indigenous group were also create economic opportunities, involved in developing the concept.his own personal connection. His employment and training – especially last name was taken from the cattle The project will be delivered throughproperty where his family lived and for young people. MDC’s Producer Innovation Fast‑Trackworked until the 1930s, and today he A collaborative project between the program. This program helps producersworks for Indigenous‑owned Urannah Western Kangoulu People, University accelerate the adoption of innovationStation, near Mackay. 42