IN MARKET GROWING DEMAND EUROPE & UNITED KINGDOM JAPAN SOUTHERN ASIA MLA Market Access Manager – MLA Regional Manager – MLA Regional Business Manager – Europe, Mary Johnson Japan and Korea, Scott Walker Southern Asia, Ellen Young Starting in Italy in early March and The pandemic hit the Japanese In Southern Asia, consumers had been sweeping across Europe and the United economy in three stages: a reduced concerned Australian red meat wouldn’t Kingdom, the COVID-19 pandemic number of Chinese tourists, a one-year be available, so panic buying set in and caused the EU and UK foodservice delay of the Olympics and Paralympics, demand for all meat cuts was high. sector to grind to a halt. and then reduced business activity due However, supply was secured in This is where a large portion of to social-distancing regulations. Singapore through the International Australian red meat products are Hotel banquets for weddings and Freight Assistance Mechanism, destined, so we saw a big shift in the business functions had been a key introduced by the Australian retail landscape. outlet for Australian beef and sales to Government. This re-established air Shoppers purchased economical mince this sector fell significantly. freight to high-end protein markets and diced red meat products in larger Retail red meat sales have remained and consumer red meat purchases quantities than usual. strong, particularly products offering settled down. This upset the domestic carcase time-saving solutions. However, the Mainstream media provides a stark pricing architecture because there is demand for higher-value cuts has view of the effects of COVID-19 less demand for high value cuts which become subdued as consumers have across Southern Asia, but social traditionally make up carcase value. gone into ‘economising mode’ with the media channels are thriving as people possibility of an economic downturn. reconnect and find inspiration online. Improving Australia’s red meat market MLA is working closely with retailers The role of food, especially on social access in a market severely restricted to provide promotional tools to drive channels, has shifted from a narrative by historic volume-based quotas is vital demand for premium cuts. Educating of guilt to a thriving activity which to MLA’s in-market investment. consumers through social media on brings joy. Despite COVID-19 challenges, how to prepare meals with less-familiar During the pandemic, red meat Australia-EU Free Trade Agreement cuts is critical to cushion the impact of brands in Southern Asia stepped up (A-EU FTA) negotiations have continued reduced foodservice demand. to provide real solutions and create with negotiators meeting via video Nutrition, health and wellbeing a positive impact. conference in early May. In June, are at the forefront of consumers’ Australia and the United Kingdom minds, driving them to known and Tapping into social media launched A-UK FTA negotiations, with trusted brands. conversations allows MLA to talks to formally commence later in add more value for consumers 2020 (see story page 5). Australian beef has a long and trusted history of quality and during this pandemic and Although the impacts of encourage new red meat COVID-19 will be felt for some safety in the Japanese market. consumption behaviours for time, it’s crucial for us to This messaging is reinforced in the future. continue our positioning work our summer campaign. in pursuit of FTA outcomes, With this in mind, the True Aussie brand Japan has shifted its messaging and social benefiting our industry for purpose to ‘As the world moves indoors, years to come. True Aussie Beef and Lamb makes This includes adapting in-market sure you still get the best of the great advocacy strategies and increasing our Aussie outdoors’. engagement via digital channels. Southern Asia Europe and United Kingdom 44