ON FARM NORTHERN CATTLE FEEDBASE f Global lessons for Aussie leucaena growers The future for Australia, and plantings stronger collaboration volcanic uplands of far leucaena in are expanding every year,” between countries, and northern Queensland? It’s Australia has he said. the opportunity to learn perfectly suited. never looked brighter, “Nevertheless, adoption from some of the most “There are challenges for according to leucaena of this clearly productive experienced leucaena extensive, low-input systems expert Dr Max Shelton, a and profitable innovation scientists, extension workers but the [consumer] market and producers in the world. increasingly demands a Universityof Queensland in Australia and around Associate Professor the world has potential for Drought-proofing higher quality product with a . significant expansion. How “The ability of leucaena to clean, green, hormone-free, Max helped deliver to achieve this was the drought-proof an enterprise range-fed background.” Australia’s first subject of much debate at was a strong message from psyllid-resistant variety, the conference.” Managing toxicity participants,” Max said. Indonesia also had some Redlands, and organised theMLA-funded 2018 Hosted by the University “We had a lot of conference valuable lessons for Australia International Leucaena of Queensland, the attendees from eastern in managing mimosine Conferenceference attractein Brisbane con d Indonesia who experience toxicity, which can occur . Hesaid leucaena 120 participants from 12 six months of a good wet in animals not used to adoptionries including largecountthe worldaround season and then six months eating leucaena. was growing. groups from Asia and Latin of dry when nothing grows “Since the 1980s, we’ve America, where leucaena is except leucaena. believed we need to use “It’s one of the mostb grown extensively. productive, sustainale and “They use it as it a drought inoculant to help ruminants intensive cattle production Max said one of the most management strategy, so in Australia digest leucaena system we have for northern valuable outcomes was why can’t we use it on the safely,” Max said. 14