ON FARM SHEEP INNOVATION Sheep CRC’s top 10 innovations 1 Information Nucleus Flock (INF) 6ASKBILL The INF involved mating approximately 100 sires byThis program was designed to forewarn sheep artificial insemination to 5,000 ewes each year for fiveproducers about risks of cold snaps and parasite years, across eight sites representative of major sheepoutbreaks, as well as better manage their pasture production environments. The INF was central to the CRC’sbase in order to meet production targets. ASKBILL provides work in delivering new and far-reaching genetic informationtimely and accurate predictions of sheep wellbeing and and data for genomic predictions of sheep breeding values.productivity using a combination of historical weather While traditional production traits were also measured, newrecords, short and long-range weather forecasts, consumer-oriented eating quality traits, such as tendernessbiophysical models for stock and pasture production, and and intramuscular fat, were a prime focus. In 2011, theon-farm measurements and flock information. INF transitioned to an industry-funded model and in 2012 became the MLA Resource Flock. 7Precision technologies With affordable and robust technology such as fast, 2 a range of genetic traits, as well as identify parentageand specific genetic conditions (e.g. horn or pollGenomic testingDNA tests are now commercially available to assessand manage each animal in the mob according to its needsand merits. The precision production tools are particularlyelectronic weighing systems, electronic identificationand automated drafting, producers can easily monitor status). These tests have been widely adopted by sheepuseful when used with ASKBILL forecast information. breeders, with more than 50,000 tests used in 2018. This conditions. One of the breakthroughs to making genomicflock performance for productive traits and environmentalmore precise selection of the genetics required to improvehas resulted in accelerated rates of genetic gain through 8The ParaBoss suite of products, including WormBoss,FlyBoss and LiceBoss, was developed as part ofthe CRC’s parasite control program and continuesParaBoss technologies available to commercial producers was theto be hosted by the University of New England. Innovations development of the DNA Flock Profile test specifically forincluded the targeted treatment approach in which only commercial Merino breeders, and combining it with theanimals most susceptible to worms are drenched in order to web-based RamSelect tool. slow the development of drench resistance. 3 Objective measurement of meat eating quality 9Lifetime Ewe Management New genetic traits were identified for carcaseThis program sees groups of five or six producers characteristics, lean meat yield (LMY) and eatingmeet in six ‘hands-on’ sessions over 12 months quality. The dual-energy X-ray absorptiometrywith a trained facilitator. The group visits each (DEXA) meat-grading system for estimating LMY isparticipating farm and learns skills in condition scoring, allowing abattoirs to accurately measure carcase LMY atpasture assessment and best practice management to line speed and has the potential to change the structureincrease lambing performance and wool production. Results of the Australian sheepmeat industry through a shift tohave included increased whole-farm stocking rates by up value-based pricing of carcases. to 13%, increased lamb marking percentages by up to 14%, decreased annual ewe mortality rates by up to 43%, and 4These objective measurement systems add valuecannot account for the effects of processingWool ComfortMeter and Wool HandleMeterto traditional measurements of fabric quality, which 10increased numbers of lambs weaned per hectare by upto 30%.Managing scanned ewes and finishing, or accurately predict comfort and softness.A total of 88 pregnancy Used together, the instruments allow manufacturers and scanning retailers to produce greatly improved next-to-skin garments workshops and market these products with objective customerwere delivered around assurance measures. Australia and attended by 1,800 sheep producers. 5 This project started as a training program providinga practical approach to using Australian SheepBreeding Values (ASBVs). The program deliveredRamSelectThe workshops resulted inabout 80% of attendees changingtheir management practices. It’sestimated that improved use of 73 workshops to 1,389 participants, with more than 95%pregnancy scanning data and indicating they had a better understanding of how to makeincreased uptake of testing has better use of ASBVs. In 2016, the popular RamSelect appled to significantly improved was launched, which made it even easier to select superiorreproductive efficiency under genetics specifically matched to flock needs.many production systems. ■ 24