Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan 24 March 2011 152. Xcupressocyparis 2 Park View Lane, Blenheim 153. Sequoiadendron Spring Terrace, SH6 Wellingtonia (2) 312b giganteum 154. Eucalyptus globulus Spring Terrace, SH6 Tasmanian blue gum 312a 155. Sequoiadendron Livermere, 294 Middle Renwick Wellingtonia giganteum Road, SH6 156. Cedrus deodara Livermere, 294 Middle Renwick Cedar Road, SH6 157. Pinus nigra (laricio) Livermere, 294 Middle RenwickCorsican pine Road, SH6 158. Sequioadendron Livermere, 294 Middle Renwick Wellingtonia giganteum Road, SH6 159. Araucaria bidwillii Livermere, 294 Middle RenwickBunya bunya Road, SH6 160. Eucalyptus globulus Langley Dale, Northbank Road Gum 161. Quercus robar Langley Dale, Northbank Road Oak 164. Cedrus atlantica Roundabout, Nelson Street Cedar Road Reserve, Blenheim 165. Abies pinsapo ‘Seven Oaks’, 106 Brookby Spanish fir Road, Hawkesbury near Renwick 166. Michelia 108 Maxwell Road, Blenheim Silver cloud 167. Fraxinus excelsior 108 Maxwell Road, Blenheim Ash 168. Tilia x europaea 16 Bank Street, Blenheim Lime 175 169. Agathis australis 84 Nelson Street, Springlands, Kauri Blenheim 170. Aesculusx carnea 84 Nelson Street, Springlands, Red horse chestnut Blenheim 171. Aesculus Bethsaida Home, Litchfield Horse chestnut hippocastanum Street, Blenheim 172. Magnolia grandiflora Bethsaida Home, Litchfield Magnolia Street, Blenheim 173. Taxus bacata fastigata The Woodbourne Homestead, Irish yew Fairhall, Blenheim 174. Quercus robur The Woodbourne Homestead, English oak Fairhall, Blenheim 175. Ilex aquifolium The Woodbourne Homestead, Common holly Fairhall, Blenheim 176. Populus deltoides The Woodbourne Homestead, Poplar Fairhall, Blenheim 177. Ginkgo biloba Nelson Polytechnic Campus, Ginkgo Budge Street, Blenheim 178. Liquidambar Nelson Polytechnic Campus, Liquidamber styraciflua Budge Street, Blenheim App A - 12