5 March 2015 Appendix G - Register of Specifically Identified Activities From 2100 to 0700 the Urban Residential Zone noise provisions shall apply. 9.2.3 General All activities shall be carried out to comply with Rules (Daylight Admission and Streetscape), 32.1.4 (Heritage), 32.1.5 (Hazards), and 32.1.6 (Earthworks) of the Urban Residential Zone. 10. 121 Middle Renwick Road, Blenheim (on land described as Lot 4 DP 3279 or its successor) At the time the Neighbourhood Business Zone in Springlands was expanded through Variation 50, the owner of Lot 4 DP 3279 (CT MB 1D/703, 121 Middle Renwick Road) wished to continue residential use of that property. The scheduling of the site enables residential use to continue (and the corresponding Urban Residential Rules to continue to apply) although the land is now zoned Neighbourhood Business Zone. The relevant Neighbourhood Business Zone provisions will apply,and the Urban Residential Rules will cease to apply, once the site is used for any commercial activity. In that event the site shall for the purposes of the Plan be treated as Neighbourhood Business Zone and the objectives, policies and rules relevant to that zone shall apply instead of the Rules for the Urban Residential Zone 2. 10.1 Permitted Activities Unless expressly limited elsewhere in this Plan the following activities will be permitted without a resource consent, where they conform to the conditions set out below: • While the site is used exclusively for residential activity its use and development will be subject to the Rules contained in the Urban Residential Zone 2. • When and if the site is used in whole or in part for any commercial activity the use and development of the site will from then on be subject to the Rules for the Neighbourhood Business Zone. 10.2 Conditions for Permitted Activities 10.2.1 Where any part of the site is used for commercial activity then the relevant permitted activity conditions in the Neighbourhood Business Zone apply, except that an additional 300m2 of gross floor area may be used for commercial activities on Lot 4 DP3279 in addition to the 5700m2 limit in rule 36.1.1. 11. Colonial Vineyard, Corner of New Renwick Road and Aerodrome Road, Lot 2 DP 350626 11.1 On this site, the rules and standards of the underlying zone shall apply except as follows: App G - 9