Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan 11 March 2016 Planning Location Name Legal Description Class/ Map Category Notation 60. Waihopai Valley Murray Downs Homestead Lot 1 DP 11050 A/2 Road, Blenheim and stone lined wells 61. 80 New Renwick Addiscombe Pt Lot 2 DP 2369 A/2 Road Burleigh, Blenheim 62. Redwood Pass Ugbrook Homestead Pt Lot 2 DP 2726 Blks V, VI & VIII A/2 Road, Dashwood Clifford Bay SD 64. State Highway 1, Church of St John in the Pt Sec 25 Waitohi Valley Dist Blk XV A/2 Koromiko Wilderness (Ang) Linkwater Sd 65. Wairau Bar Moa sites A/1 66. Rarangi, Flaxmill including Lots 6-8 DP 7750 Lot 15 DP 7751 Lt A/2 Marshlands weighbridge 2 DP 6231 Lots 16, 26 DP 6927 67. 47 Inkerman Cob House Lot 2 DP 4134 A/2 Street, Renwick 68. North Bank Road, Langley Dale Station Lot 1 DP 2089 Blk XV Onamalutu SD A/2 Renwick Stables/Granary/Chaff House 69. North Bank Road, Langley Dale Station Lot 1 DP 2089 Blk XV Onamalutu SD A Renwick Homestead 70. North Bank Road, Langley Dale Station Cow Lot 1 DP 2089 Blk XV Onamalutu SD A/2 Renwick Byre 71. North Bank Road, Langley Dale Station Lot 1 DP 2089 Blk XV Onamalutu SD A/2 Renwick Blacksmith’s Shop 72. North Bank Road, Langley Dale Station Dog Lot 1 DP 2089 Blk XV Onamalutu SD A/2 Renwick Meat Boiler 73. North Bank Road, Langley Dale Station Lot 1 DP 2089 Blk XV Onamalutu SD A/2 Renwick Workshop 74. North Bank Road, Langley Dale Station Scab Lot 1 DP 2089 Blk XV Onamalutu SD A/2 Renwick Dip 75. Redwood Pass Vernon Homestead Pt DP 229 Blks II, III Clifford Bay Sd A/2 Road, Riverlands, Blenheim 76. Ferry Road, Spring St Luke’s Church (Anglican) Lots 87 & 88 of Sec 50 Wairau Dist A/2 Creek Blk XI Cloudy Bay SD 77. Murrays Road, Cob Cottage Pt Lot 2 DP 11686 A/2 Spring Creek 78. Blind Creek Road, Fredrick Smith’s House A/2 Tuamarina 79. Blind Creek Road, Methodist Sunday Lot 5 of Sec 46 Waitohi Valley Dist A/2 Tuamarina School(former church) Blk VII Cloudy Bay SD 80. Tuamarina Track, Woodside (dwelling) Lot 1 DP 8437 & Pt Sec 4 & 6 Blk VII A/2 Tuamarina Cloudy Bay SD 81. Wrekin Road, Wrekin Toolshed(former Lot 1 DP 7658 Lot 1 DP 7835 Lot 4 A/2 Waihopai Valley dairy) DP 7886 Blk III Taylor Pass SD App A - 4