COLLABORATION Consultation-driven research Here Feedbacklooks at five projects underway as a result of the regional consultation process. Social acceptability of RAD meat professionals A leg up pest animal management Principal investigators: Principal investigator: in meeting total grazing Maria Thompson from AgSTAR Mike Stephens, Meridian Agriculture pressure targets Projects and Rebecca Mohr-Bell from Project proponents: Meridian ArGyll Consulting Agriculture in response to the national Principal investigator: Project proponents: Researchers Dr Katrina Sinclair, NSW Department RD&A priority seeking to build industry of Primary Industries in response to the national RD&A priority capability to support producers into seeking to build industry capability the future Project proponents: Rangelands to support producers into the future Details: This project aimed to help producers from southern, western and Details: The project was developed northern regions, concerned about develop the next generation of maintaining their social licence to ensure an adequate pool of highly red meat and livestock industry skilled research, development and research, development and adoption Details: The project assessed the social adoption/extension specialists will be professionals by encouraging and acceptability of control practices to available to service the red meat and supporting individuals entering and/or manage kangaroos, unmanaged goats livestock industry in the future. remaining in the industry. and feral pigs as components of total grazing pressure. It involved a desktop review of Twenty current and aspiring industry capacity-building programs and professionals were invited to join the Researchers engaged stakeholders industry consultation involving focus 12-month mentoring program, including with an interest in the management groups, a national survey and webinars. a workshop and webinars. They were of these focus animals, including The project findings included the partnered with established industry representatives from industry, participants who provided guidance pastoralist, government, animal welfare, need for coordinated implementation and support. veterinary, Indigenous and wildlife of a ‘people development strategy’ conservation groups. comprising four pillars that: As well as learning from mentors, the • attract students and professionals mentees were encouraged to learn The project aimed to give producers • develop skills, experience and from fellow group members to build a better understanding of what these capability of tertiary students professional networks and develop groups will/will not accept and why, as their careers. well as identify which groups have most • build skills and capability of influence on public opinion. professionals and higher-degree By giving mentees a ‘leg up’, it is students anticipated they will improve their This knowledge will guide the red meat • create a collaborative and supportive professional and personal lives, make industry’s ongoing engagement and culture. a difference and support others in communication with key stakeholders The key recommendation is to develop the future. and the Australian public about a business plan and implement the RAD this topic. End date: July 2018 Meat Professionals framework. End date: July 2018 End date: October 2017 Ben Reeve E: Dr Katrina Sinclair Maria Thompson E: katrina.sinclair@dpi.nsw. E: 12