COLLABORATION Prioritising research in your region Feedback asked three regional committee chairs how effective the consultation model has been in giving levy payers more say in how their RD&A funds are invested. Jenny O’Sullivan Andrew Gray Craig Forsyth Gippsland, Victoria Texas, Queensland Dongara, WA Sheep and beef producer Jenny Cattle breeder and consultant Andrew Cattle breeder and backgrounder Craig O’Sullivan is chair of the Southern Gray is chair of the North Australia Forsyth is the current vice-chair of the Australia Meat Research Council Beef Research Council (NABRC) South Western Australian Livestock Research (SAMRC) South East Victoria and Queensland regional beef committee. Council (WALRC), representing WA’s Tasmania regional committee. Jenny Until recently, Andrew was a northern Northern Agricultural Region, and is the recently stepped down from the Red producer representative on the Red incoming chair of the Red Meat Panel. Meat Panel after serving as chair and Meat Panel and was the panel’s a southern producer representative. inaugural chair. As a long-serving member of the Mingenew-Irwin Group, which facilitates “Overall, I think the consultation process “The regional consultation process has local agricultural research and has been terrific and it’s improving each been a huge step forward in terms of development (R&D), Craig has more year,” Jenny said. producer involvement in RD&A decision than 20 years’ experience bringing “The focus on continual improvement making,” Andrew said. together funding bodies, scientists means we get feedback on what’s “In northern Australia, producers and producers. working, what’s not and how can we contribute their research priorities via “People were a little curious to see how do better. the MLA BeefUp forums, which give WALRC would work, but I believe the “As a result, we know communication everyone an opportunity to have their say.” Regional Advisory Councils – WALRC, from the producer level up has been Andrew said the research priorities SAMRC and NABRC – are very very, very good, but there is scope to are compiled by the regional beef important to the whole R&D framework,” improve the flow of communication back committees, which then get ‘compressed’ Craig said. down – we’re looking at ways to do that.” into northern priorities by NABRC. “Not only do they bring R&D issues to Jenny said an unintended benefit of the “Oneflawin the process is that MLA, but they provide a means for model has been the sharing of regional producersm suggest ideas which areay extending R&D that has already been RD&A priorities beyond MLA. alreadyone, in other partsbeing actedon, but there’s notdone, or is being d always a regional committeeof themember country. “For example, where regional issues have been identified but haven’t been at every forum who can let them know “A number of issues raised in our appropriate for the annual (funding) call this,” he said. producer forums in WA have also been process, we’ve helped pursue other “We’re working towards some sort of thought of in the eastern states and funding avenues, such as grants from email contact after BeefUp forums, projects are already underway over the federal Smart Farming Partnerships so producers can get more timely there, or have been completed. program,” she said. feedback on their suggestions.” “People like having local R&D to ensure “As a regional chair, I’ve also been Andrew said a number of projects have it’s relevant to their own area, but often invited to join terms of reference groups been funded which are aiming to address research that has been done elsewhere for a number of projects, including one issues raised in his region, including a is still valuable. The soil might for a Melbourne University-funded study of the noxious weed pimelea and a be different and the rainfall might be project, to give input from our region project addressing legume establishment different but the bottom line is often the and then feed the research results back.” in the Brigalow Belt. same – it’s about nutrition and fertility.” Jenny O’Sullivan Andrew Gray Craig Forsyth T: 0419 153 377 T: 0428 531 424 T: 0428 275 035 E: E: E: 14