CONTENTS COVER STORY 24 Smaller paddocks boost lamb survival IN BRIEF 4 Sharing red meat’s story 4 Rare Medium road trip 5A lamb-led future COLLABORATION 6Collaboration is the name of the game 7Industry teams up to double genetic gain 8Grassroots consultation in action 10Growing the entire food sector 4 19 11Insights lead to innovations 12Consultation-driven research 14Prioritising research in your region ON FARM NATIONAL 16‘Swipe right’ to match make 16Solutions to the syndrome 17Supplements for survival 17Pain relief production extension 17Learn online 18Over the fence 20The carbon neutral point of difference 32Taking biological control NORTHERN CATTLE 22 A valuable business proposition 30 34Biocontrol agents fast-tracked 34Multi-pronged attack 35Taking on parthenium 36Remote enterprises to soar 37Making connections 38Making more from cull cows SOUTHERN SHEEP AND CATTLE 24 Smaller paddocks boost lamb survival 26Mixed results for density research 27Putting precision into lambing 29Hard to beet 30Pete and Tweet go for beet 32Getting a grip on gorse 35Potential footrot vaccine candidates SUPPLY CHAIN 32 40 The spin on skin 42 Another LEAP forward 43 Automated beef boning: the next frontier IN MARKET 44 The ultimate value-add 46 MENA: A niche beef opportunity 47 Red meat: MENA 48 MENA’s Attractive Cities: an overview 50 Ted takes up the challenge 51 Time for a spring fling 44 46 3