ON FARM NATIONAL MODULE 2: Using breeding values to find sires Episode 1: Tropical cattle Prime lamb How do I find sires on the genetics.mla.com.au/tropical#finding‑bulls genetics.mlac.om.au/prime‑lambs#finding‑rams BREEDPLAN/Sheep Genetics Temperate cattle Merino websites? genetics.mla.com.au/temperate#finding‑bulls genetics.mla.com.au/merino#finding‑rams BREEDPLAN is where cattle producers can find breed‑specific databases that store and update EBVs for thousands of animals. For sheep producers, Sheep Genetics has breed‑specific databases that store and update ASBVs for thousands of animals. These episodes show how these databases can be used to find and rank sires based on their breeding values and indexes. Episode 2: Tropical cattle How do I search sales catalogues? genetics.mla.com.au/tropical#finding‑bulls BREEDPLAN contains sales catalogues Temperate cattle of upcoming bull sales. These episodes genetics.mla.com.au/temperate#finding‑bulls are available for tropical and temperate cattle producers and outline how to search these catalogues and find bulls of the desired breed that meet the breeding objective. MODULE 3: Putting breeding values into practice Episode 1: Tropical cattle Prime lamb How do I shop for a genetics.mla.com.au/tropical#bull‑shopping genetics.mla.com.au/prime‑lambs#ram‑shopping high‑performing sire? Temperate cattle Merino These episodes outline the steps to genetics.mla.com.au/temperate#bull‑shopping genetics.mla.com.au/merino#ram‑shopping buying a high‑performing sire, providing tips on what to do before, during and after the sale. 21