ON FARM SHEEP Bridging the research gap them meet those markets,” into planting fodder crops he said. to improve our wool and “By upskilling these roles, sheepmeat production.” we’ll be able to share The Smiths sow 120–170ha valuable research outcomes of forage oats during March and business management and April, planting a mix of strategies to help people proven and new varieties. who can really benefit These paddocks become from them. the gifts that keep on giving. “From a livestock perspective, They’re grazed by ewes and I hope we can help more lambs after lamb marking in people to fast‑track their early June, by weaner lambs drought recovery to take in July, and wethers are also maximum advantage of the finished on them to capture strong restocker demand we high out‑of‑season mutton expect to follow.” prices in July. Fodder for thought “From a pasture‑management Brett said the Elders perspective, these crops project was already kicking also allow us to rest our goals with wool and grazing country through sheep producers, who are running higher stocking rates Brett Smith is a firm believer in using the tools/resources availableusing MLA resources and on smaller areas. to improve management and boost profitability. workshops to: “Any kind of rain or moisture Q ueensland Elders Walgett branch • improve ewe reproduction is so precious here, we’ve livestock manager Brett Smith rates got to do something with producers (pictured) can see the • condition‑score more it, and fodder crops are a are set to advantages from all sides. accurately great way of making use of it,” see the benefits from He not only understands • match key production he said. ■ a new project linking first‑hand how his family’s events with feed availability research outcomes wool and sheepmeat • improve reproduction rates Brett Smith enterprise will be in a E: brett.smith@elders. and best practice • encourage better utilisation com.au management to improve better drought‑recovery of fodder crops. on‑farm profitability. position if they use as Making More From many MLA resources as “On our family farm, which Sheep Delivered by a partnership possible, but also sees is fairly typical for the area, makingmorefromsheep. between MLA Donor how this information can we’ve made significant com.au Company and Elders, the benefit others. production and profit gains three‑year pilot project will by planting fodder crops,” More Beef from provide producers with “Livestock and merchandise he said. Pastures: easier access to MLA’s agents have very close mbfp.mla.com.au relationships with clients. “Historically, we grew MLA’s EDGE network: research outcomes, tools We’re not only sounding dryland crops, but over and resources and could mla.com.au/edge pave the way for similar boards for their ideas, we the years our rainfall has Feed budget and programs nationally. also provide guidance on proven too unreliable, so rotation planner: marketing options and we’ve invested our time, mla.com.au/feedbudget St George producer and production advice to help energy and resources SNAPSHOT:Brett Smith, St George, QueenslandS Area: Enterprise: Livestock: Pasture: Soil: Rainfall: 417ha Wool and 1,000 Merino Predominantly Red loam with 525mm sheepmeat ewes; 2,500 buffel, as well as stony ridges Merino wethers native remnant vegetation 37