ON FARM GOATS trol New R&D to improve goat parasite control A new MLA research project is looking to strengthen the wellbeing of the goat industry by prioritising the need for sustainable internal parasite control through informed off‑label drench use. Internal parasites continue to be a major problem for goat goat called Urandangie Brown, a mix their margins may be lower than producers. Goats do not develop of Australian rangeland goats and the alternative enterprises. an age resistance to worms to Boer breed. They have not introduced Bill, who has experience managing the extent that occurs with sheep any new genetics for 10 years. goats in a rangeland environment, said and cattle, and there are relatively “We select bucks from our own while there are additional challenges few effective drenching products breeding herd based on yearling live managing goats in a high‑rainfall registered for use in goats. weight, foot structure and resilience to environment, the financial benefits Project leader Dr Emma Doyle, internal parasites. (when the primary motivation is from the University of New “Our aim is to have a very reducing costs and increasing the England, said the project aims low‑maintenance herd that can manage effectiveness of weed control) can still to provide veterinarians with the conditions – and right now, they’re offset the challenges. ■ relevant, science‑based advice looking magnificent with 590mm of rain so they can guide goat producers recorded to early August this year.” LESSONS in making best practice decisions LEARNED regarding use of drenches. Economic benefits When assessed at the whole‑business “The results of this project will level, Bill said there was no marginal > Goats provide a useful present producers with viable, overhead cost in managing goats supplement to the income of effective and accessible options as the additional operational time is other livestock enterprises when tackling worm control in conducted with existing labour. without significantly increasing goats, building overall industry the demands on feed. confidence around goat health “In fact, since introducing > Goat grazing habits mean they’re and immunity,” Dr Doyle said. goats, our herbicide costs more likely to preferentially graze “It looks to highlight the have decreased significantly weeds over pasture. importance of recognising and they now represent less > Goats rarely compete with what products are working and other livestock species for what aren’t and where drench than 1% of the total overhead feed resources. resistance may be a factor, cost base of the business,” ultimately influencing levels of Bill said. productivity and sustainability.” Bill and Jacqui Perrottet The project concludes in early Bill worked with consultant John Francis, E: urandangie@gmail.com 2021. Results will be provided Holmes Sackett, to better understand MLA delivers a range of to veterinarians and Paraboss the economic contribution of goats in workshops, tools and other to inform advice for producers their enterprise. resources for goat producers to on best practice approaches to They calculated the total marginal equip them with the latest drenching and worm control. benefit of the goat enterprise as best‑practice knowledge gathered $29,800/year, demonstrating that from research to improve their Emily Litzow businesses. For more information E: elitzow@mla.com.au goats can generate reasonable visit: mla.com.au/goats returns for businesses even though 23