SUPPLY CHAIN OUR TH CLUES At a pen level, the findings were “We’re starting to develop are doing observations. also interesting. a picture which illustrates “We think a good time to observe cattle “Sick cattle earlier in the feeding phase sick cattle spend more is around feeding time, or just before had more cattle within three metres feeding, which is accurate if you want of them than healthy cattle, meaning time at water, more time at to observe their feeding behaviour but they’re hiding in the group,” Professor feed, and more time in a it’s also a high social pressure time, White said. making subtle behavioural changes Challenging assumptions group in the first six days more difficult to observe,” Professor Professor White said the findings at a feedlot. White said. challenge some existing assumptions “We know BRD is concentrated at the about the behaviour of animals with “If you ignore the water aspect, this is front end of the feeding phase, so BRD, such as cattle going off by almost the opposite of what we tell pen if you can observe or monitor them themselves if they’re sick. riders to look out for. closely during this high‑risk time for “We train pen riders to look for the cattle“However, after the early phase in the BRD, that can make a big difference to which are isolated, but cattle won’t do feedlot, sick cattle get to a certain pointhealth outcomes.” ■ this early in the disease process. where they can no longer compensate for their illness and their behaviour flips Dr Joe McMeniman “For most of the BRD we deal with, to doing things like staying away from E: the main therapy is antimicrobials. the group.” Antimicrobials are more effective if The final report is available at: given early in the disease process Professor White said the findings‑BFLT3005 because there are less bacteria for them highlighted the importance of to battle, and less damage has occurred understanding the disease progression to the pulmonary tissue and lung tissue. of BRD, and the time when pen riders 33