ON FARM SHEEP Best practice SNAPSHOT: Lynley Anderson, S Kojonup, WA boosts survival WA Merino include ensuring ewes are aagainst dystocia using producer Lynley condition score of 3 or betterindicator traits including Anderson has at joining and maintaininglambing ease and lamb size, been working hard to this right through to lambing.weight and conformation at Area: improve lamb survival birth, along with other lamb2,400ha owned and leased “We’ve always scanned ewes survival and ewe rearing for years, but she didn’t and separated twins and ability traits. Enterprise: realise the strategies singles so we can manage Sheep and cropping (50:50); she was using were also them separately,” she said.Reproductive performance Poll Merino stud; Poll reducing dystocia in is a priority for Lynley Dorset stud “We reduce mob across her stud and her flock. commercial flocks. Livestock: A recent MLA‑funded study size at lambing, 7,000 Merinos (see story opposite) showedwith the twins She generates Australian Sheep Breeding Values Pasture: dystocia, or difficulties duringgoing into mobs of (ASBVs) for birth weight andStubbles, mixed clover, birth, is a major contributor lambing ease in her Merino ryegrass to lamb and ewe mortality –about 200 and the stud flock, and culls any responsible for at least 50%singles into mobs ewes in the Merino stud Soil: of lamb deaths. flock, commercial Merino Gravel loam Murdoch University of 300.” flock or her small Poll Dorset stud which fail to rear a lamb. Rainfall: researchers conducted One of the major benefits 475mm autopsies on lambs in of scanning and managing “Our aim is to make sure Lynley’s flocks as part of singles and twins separatelywe’re not increasing Lynley Anderson a separate lamb survival has now been shown to be birth weight. We want a E: lynleya@westnet. project and the results of reduced levels of dystociamedium‑sized lamb at birth, com.au those studies helped informand improved lamb survival but one that grows quickly. the dystocia study. rates, yet adoption of thisThat’s long been the aim in practice remains low. non‑Merino breeds, but now LESSONS “Autopsies on our lambs LEARNED confirmed we have very we want it in Merinos as well. Only about 30% of Australian low levels of dystocia,” ewe flocks are being “Culling ewes which fail Lynley said. managed separately based to rear a lamb is a good > Scan ewes and on the number of lambs practice to introduce, as is manage for litter size. “The research validates only using rams with good > Select for birth weight what we have been doing ewes are carrying. since 2002, which was ASBVs for lamb survival traits,and lambing ease. Genetic selection along with scanning ewes > Cull ewes that fail to very gratifying.” The dystocia research showsand managing according to rear a lamb. Lynley’s on‑farm strategiesit may be possible to selectpregnancy status needs.” ■ Below: WA sheep producer Lynley Anderson. 2277