SUGATSUNE Quality Japanese technology & manufacturing. Exclusive and easy to install, Sugatsune is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of metal hardware. Nover are proud to introduce a new, exclusive & comprehensive lift up & drop down offer from Sugatsune Japan. Sugatsune is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of metal hardware. Their wide variety of high quality products covers such fields as residential & office furniture to architectural & industrial parts. Even though Sugatsune products are usual ly hidden from direct view, they work to supply products that offer the very best reliability behind the scenes. Established in 1930, Sugatsune has accumulated a massive technical & manufacture know-how, enabling to development of new solutions to fulfil l the requirements of the ever-changing market place. Sugatsune offers unparal leled quality, smart design & solutions to answer the needs of al l customers. From the moment you order the Sugatsune products featured in this catalogue from Nover, throughout the lifetime of the products, you wil l see, feel & understand what Sugatsune excel lence real ly means. 577 LIFT FITTINGSHINGES &