ON FARM NORTHERN CATTLE to the future and off-farm investments, to support the LESSONS SNAPSHOT: business into the future. Piggott family, Chloe and Kerryn said Business EDGE gave LEARNED ‘Christmas Creek’ them clarity around financial terminology > Chloe: It’s important to be aware of Rolleston, Queensland and how to use it to make meaningful our business and where it’s at – if we l business decisions. don’t collect the right data or utilise “I feel more confident with the information I information to its full potential we could have at hand and how to present a stronger be falling behind and losing income case when we meet with our bank or without even realising it. accountant,” Kerryn said. > Kerryn: We had good records, policies As a result the family have renegotiated their and procedures in place but we couldn’t core debt, reduced finance cost and interest really move the business forward until and more than halved their repayments. we tied them all together and looked at whole-of-business performance. “Understanding where our business sits has Area: given us more control,” Chloe said. Improved data collection Christmas Creek – 20,000ha; Fairhaven – Smarter marketing Kerryn said the Business EDGE session on 3,700ha The Piggotts produce steers for MSA and financial skills reinforced the need to assess Teys Grasslands programs and send surplus her record-keeping tool box. Enterprise: heifers to Australian Country Choice’s With input from her accountant and bank Commercial and stud Brindley Park feedlot for finishing. Empty/ manager, she has introduced a more Droughtmasters cull cows are finished and marketed direct user-friendly software package with Livestock: to processors. smartphone capabilities to improve data 1,500 commercial breeders, “Business EDGE challenged us to re-evaluate collection and management. 250 registered cows the markets we are targeting to see if there The Piggotts also re-evaluated their herd are other opportunities,” Chloe said. Pasture: record keeping system. Christmas Creek: mixed They’re now going through the process “Dad has been doing a great job of keeping scrub, semi-open box of becoming EU and PCAS-accredited, records but they were paper-based and broadleaf ironbark creek which Kerryn said is a good fit for the we felt this left us vulnerable if something flats, sandy gum top box programs they already comply with, such as happened to him,” Chloe said. ranges and sandstone Livestock Production Assurance On-Farm escarpments. Buffel grass Quality Assurance. “We introduced electronic records for the and stylos are incorporated stability of the business and to spread risk into the native grasses “Business EDGE encouraged us to think about and share knowledge.” how we could utilise the data we already Fairhaven: buffel grass, collect and our on-farm biosecurity plan to The Piggotts now use a Gallagher TSi system green panic, Callide Rhodes potentially access premiums for our cattle,” with panel readers and stick readers to and Progardes she said. collect information about livestock, including genetics and performance data. Soil: They’ll use other tools, including those High quality softwood scrubs discovered at a recent event supported Kerryn and Chloe said they also benefited soils, small creek flats of by MLA to understand MSA specifications from meeting like-minded producers at loam, light sandy forest and the MSA Index, to better understand the Business EDGE events and relished country, rough range backing their herd’s performance and improve the opportunity to access information onto sandstone escarpments market compliance. and support. ■ Rainfall: 575mm office@christmascreek. com.au Chloe, Sophie, Jack, Bradley and Kerryn Piggott. 35