SUPPLY CHAIN Here we talk to industry stakeholders about the impact of the MSA program. The designer: Meat scientist and a developer of the described by meals they can be used Dr Rod Polkinghorne MSA program, Dr Rod Polkinghorne to create rather than the cut of meat?” (pictured below with MLA’s Michael he said. “Meat for the future” Crowley), sees the next frontier for MSA is progressing from being cut-based to “The answer is yes. meal-based. “There are more than 500 meals on Looking at the processing sector, a carcase and we have the ability to Rod’s opinion is that by 2040, current describe each one. description systems based on primal cuts, “Cuts and cut names are more of a animal age, dentition and sex would be hindrance than a help. Beef has to be replaced by technology which predicts a contemporary consumer product eating quality according to its end use. because in a retail meat cabinet that’s a “The next evolution is, can we create sea of red, consumers need to connect contemporary products that are what they’re looking at to a meal.” The producer and processor: The Nolan name is synonymous with cattle for a premium grainfed market. Terry Nolan beef, with links across the supply chain, Terry said MSA scores are important “Consistent and holistic” including production, processing at the from a processor’s perspective to ensure family-run Nolan Meats, and involvement a consistent product, and are used in industry taskforces. to underpin two Nolan Meats brands. Nolan Meats director Terry Nolan For example, yearling cattle directed (pictured) was on the MSA steering into the Nolan Private Selection brand committee at its inception in 1997 and need to have a pH of 5.50–5.60 and an is a current member of the MSA Beef ossification score of 100–110. Taskforce, so he is knowledgeable about “While there’s no silver bullet, there breeding and managing cattle that stack are lots of tools producers can use to up against the MSA grading system. achieve MSA compliance,” Terry said. The Nolans’ commercial herd is a The Nolans select for fast-growing cattle Brahman-cross base, to manage the tick- with good length of carcase and target favouring coastal conditions, with Blonde a fat range of 5–12mm of fat at the P8 d’Aquitaine sires preferred to produce (rump) site. The chef: Few people have more red meat supply in a box from a wholesaler. Now, there Frank Correnti chain experience than Frank Correnti is far more emphasis on branding, there (pictured), executive chef at Brisbane’s are more cuts to choose from and the “No more pot luck” renowned Norman Hotel. market is tougher. Frank has been a chef, restaurateur, “With more public education, palates have boutique butcher, wholesaler, trader and become more discerning and people exporter and for the past 18 years has won’t settle for second best.” relied on MSA to underpin eating quality Looking to the future of MSA, Frank of his product. believes clearer messaging could be “I’ve used MSA from the start; from developed around MSA’s eating quality a customer perspective it provides predictions, helping to remove potential satisfaction and security that what the consumer confusion as to the differences consumer is buying is going to be great between cuts, particularly once cooked. eating quality,” he said. “When you say ‘tenderness’, people The hotel’s Steakhouse, proudly billed as expect the best. We know an eye fillet ‘Brisbane’s worst vegetarian restaurant’, will be more tender than rump because serves more than 3,000 customers a rump is a working muscle – but people week and, at any one time, has up to don’t always understand the differences 18 cuts of MSA-graded meat in its famous in eating quality or the best way to cook butcher shop-style window. a particular cut,” he said. “Product quality expectations have really “However, a growing number of changed since I started in the business,” Steakhouse patrons are recognising MSA Frank said. as an eating quality standard and, while it’s not a brand in itself, it has an inbuilt “Once it was almost pot luck what you got reputation for quality.” ■ 39