ON FARM SHEEP FEEDBASE f Saltbush success Andrew and BenSNAPSHOT: Old Man Saltbush – fresh, clean taste, lean meat After the first good rain in Sippel, Drover’s a native forage and tenderness. about 18 months (28mm Choice Saltbush Lamb, shrub well-adapted The Sippels cell graze their in August), the grasses Narromine, NSW to heavy alkaline clay native saltbush stands for between the saltbush stands S soils – is proving its about two to three weeks grew more strongly than the worth to a NSW farming before moving the stock into grasses in open paddocks. family facing erratic a fresh saltbush block. Sheep Lambs begin nibbling the rainfall conditions. are kept off each grazed saltbush from when they are saltbush block for a recovery about two weeks of age and Despite one of the period of 10–14 months. are weaned from the ewes worst droughts in history, straight to processing. This Narromine-based father and The family’s 32ha of saltbush results in minimal stress, son team Andrew and Ben have been planted in one adding to the meat’s unique Sippel (pictured) haven’t metre wide rows at spacings flavour and eating quality. Area: had to purchase or use any of 2–5m with native perennial 32ha supplementary feed for their grass species, such as Ben said the flavour was due Mitchell grass, Queensland to a diet high in protein and Enterprise: lambing enterprise. Dorper enterprise and an Blue grass and Warrigo the natural minerals from The pair run a Dorper Summer grass, encouraged saltbush. Grazing on saltbush Old Man Saltbush nursery enterprise supplying their to grow between them. The allows the production of Livestock: paddock-to-plate brand wider row spacing allows top quality, consistent ‘Drover’s Choice Saltbush Dorper lambs and ewes trimming and maintenance of lambs, independent of Lamb’, and an Old Man the saltbush if necessary. seasonal conditions. Pasture: Saltbush nursery ‘Grazing Old Man Saltbush Management Systems’. Andrew said the native Drover’s Choice Saltbush They also use saltbush-fed grasses grew well between Lamb is currently sold to Soil: lamb from neighbouring saltbush stands because the the foodservice sector and Red brown soils and a 6.5 farms to ensure a consistent saltbush gave the grasses online direct to the public. pH, slightly acidic lamb supply. shelter. Another advantage is“It took us more than 10 years they out-compete weeds. of selling at farmers’ markets Rainfall: Benefits 500–550mm The Sippels have long been “The saltbush draws the to get our brand out there aware of the benefits of this moisture fromdeep down and to bring the concept in the soil and by providing to the Australian public,” Ben Sippel native plant, which they’ve shelter reducesthe grasses’ Ben said. E: bensippel@ f evapotranspiration rate,ound has a carrying capacity saltbushmeats.com.au three times greater than grassgiving the gras A new product, Saltbush country in their landscape. ses more Lamb and Gravy, has now saltbushlamb.com.au moisture for longer,” he said.been developed. Its deep root system Much of the research allows the plant to access “This shelter, along with “This helps to ensure we use into perennial forage moisture from far beneath grazing management – the entire animal. We hope shrubs was funded by the surface, where access to managed according to the to grow more in this area and MLA through the Future trace minerals helps reduce saltbush condition and not help to bring more producers Farms CRC Enrich soil salinity. the grasses – provides an on board for product supply,” project. It has finished ideal environment for the Ben said. ■ but information exists at: It also gives the lamb a continued regeneration of wool.com/enrich unique flavour, praised for itsthe soil structure and health.” LESSONS LEARNED > Weed burdens are reduced by growing native grasses between saltbush rows. “Better perennial plants can grow stronger, choking out the weeds and rejuvenating the land.” > Saltbush recovers quickly after dry spells. > It provides a ‘tonic’ to sheep, reducing internal parasite burdens. 3377