432 ORGANISATION & STORAGE PEKA Magic Corner Comfort Pull-Out CONFIGURATIONS Libel l shelves, white Libel l shelves, anthracite DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Just open the doors and pul l Excel lent access and a clear Integrated soft-closing mechanism on the handle to make the front overview across the entire The front shelves can easily be shelves swing right out of the unit storage space from three sides removed for cleaning and clipped The back shelves can be pul led Makes best use of the available back into place out individual ly for easy loading space For hinged doors: the hinges can be and unloading Height-adjustable front shelves on the right or the left The perfect solution for storing tableware, pots and pans OPTIONS: Non-slip mat Divider The non-slip mat prevents Magnetic dividers are a flexible way the unit’s contents from for you to organise the space on sliding around. your shelves and stop stored items from fal ling out of the unit. NOITASINAGROEGAROTS &