DECORATIVE PANELS, LAMINATES & SURFACES 79 AKRIL STAINLESS STEEL FILLER PANELS STAINLESS STEEL FILLER PANEL HORIZONTAL GRAIN DESCRIPTION CODE STAINLESS STEEL FILLER PANEL 650MM H X 597MM W X 1MM 265200 STAINLESS STEEL FILLER PANEL 650MM H X 897MM W X 1MM 265201 STAINLESS STEEL FILLER PANEL 730MM H X 597MM W X 1MM 265202 STAINLESS STEEL FILLER PANEL 730MM H X 897MM W X 1MM 265203 STAINLESS STEEL FILLER PANEL VERTICAL GRAIN DESCRIPTION CODE STAINLESS STEEL FILLER PANEL 650MM H X 597MM W X 1MM 265205 STAINLESS STEEL FILLER PANEL 650MM H X 897MM W X 1MM 265206 Disclaimer – Al l Akril colours shown are representations and for il lustration purposes only. Actual colour and design may vary or look different in a larger size. If colour and/or design match is critical, please speak with your local account manager to view a sample. AKRIL POLISH KIT FEATURES The Akril Polish Kit can be used to remove scratches or to create beautiful polished edges on Akril Polymers. By working through various grades of sand paper and finishing with the Ultra Polishing Cream, you can remove scratches and return the surface to its original lustre. DESCRIPTION CODE AKRIL POLISH KIT 265230 LAMINATES & SURFACESDECORATIVE PANELS,