FEATURE: LETS GO TEAM GUYANA WORKING AS A PHYSIO AT THE GAMES Did you ever dream of being the best Manchester (2002) – you had to stay up under pressure, accept responsibility and in the world at something? I always all night to watch those. This time, I really act professionally. Blips, glitches, hiccups wondered if I would ever be fast enough did have friends competing – particularly, and set-backs are all part of athletes’ or good enough to go to the Olympic I befriended many in Australia’s glittering training and preparation, but these Games (I wasn’t), and which sport I should netball team of this era (whose legacy needed to be left behind – there is no try next (maybe it was just that I had continues). The Commonwealth Games room for these at the Commonwealth chosen the wrong sport?) My parents seemed accessible, real, not whimsical or Games, where athlete performance is recounted the thrill of our country far away at all. And then came Melbourne at the forefront. Every action by every hosting the 1956 Olympics in Melbourne, (2006). A Commonwealth Games in my athlete and their support crew needed to which otherwise seemed a whimsical home city! I started asking whether they be forward-thinking, positive, problem Games held far, far away that you could would need volunteers. solving and performance oriented. Time glimpse on TV if you stayed up late. was critical. Showing my age, my first money box I was appointed to join the Sports sported Olympic Willy – Moscow (1980). Medicine team for Jersey, the largest I remain colleagues with the Team Jersey Then there was Los Angeles (1984), of the Channel Islands. As part of the medical team 12 years later (that would Seoul (1988), Barcelona (1992), Atlanta volunteer medical team, the Team be 3 Olympiads), and I thank them for (1996). And then, in 1993, came the Physiotherapist role was new at these embracing me within their team fold announcement of Sydney (2000). In my Games. Rather than being rostered at a for the pinnacle of their 2006 lifetime, we were going to have a home venue or in the polyclinic, for the duration Commonwealth Games journey. country Olympics! They called for of the Games I joined the Team Jersey volunteers. Although I still fantasised Sports Medicine team consisting of a Now, in a different phase of life – I have about going as an athlete, I began doctor, physiotherapist and massage four young children and a clock-work of scouring the newspapers (Web 2.0 therapist. Together, we supported a team responsibilities. With the Commonwealth was embryonic in 1999) for any1 of just over 20 athletes, plus coaches and Games on the Gold Coast this April, I had opportunity to be involved. team managers across several different to find a way to be part of it! With the sun sports. We had our own small clinic room well and truly set on my distant prospect While I was a Physiotherapy student at set up adjacent to the team residence in of being selected on the Australian Melbourne University the call out came the athlete village, and from there netball team, I volunteered and have been to apply for the volunteer medical team. coordinated ourselves to accompany appointed as Team Physiotherapist to I was set to graduate at the end of 1999 our athletes to training and competition Guyana, a sovereign state on the northern – I was going to be in time! But my venues. For the duration of the Games, mainland of South America. application was woolly and bare at the I wore the Jersey uniform, waved their same time – when applications closed I flag, celebrated and reflected. I will enter these Games with great was neither qualified nor experienced. expectations. No doubt the Gold Coast My covering letter contained a lot of We encountered significant injuries; we will be home to magnificently prepared “I promise I will do’s….” by games-time. braved logistics; bicycles needed urgent venues, also showcasing Australia – our It was a fantabulous moment when, quite repair; and we raced between the village land and our people. The volunteer close to games-time, I received a phone and multiple competition venues to medical team this year will cover both call asking if I would be available for two support our athletes (being a Melbourne athletes (and their supports) and weeks to work in the athlete village local, navigating the shortcuts spared us spectators. Preparation and training polyclinic at the Sydney 2000 valuable minutes!) However, these daily involves face-to-face sessions on the Paralympic Games. “challenges” were all part and parcel of a Gold Coast and specifically designed major, multi-sport games – several were online learning modules about every While I was one of many whose childhood anticipated and diffused, others unfolded aspect of medical care at the Games dream involved going to the Olympics, I gradually and some appeared suddenly – from operations and logistics (there also wanted to go to the Commonwealth – wham! All required responsivity and will be coordinated stationed and roving Games. I watched every event of the composed step-wise solutions. response teams at various venues, Auckland Commonwealth Games (1990), including communication with the and the replays. I was in secondary school, Working at the Commonwealth Games Queensland Ambulance Service) to and had some friends competing. I liked required dedication, focus, patience and clinical care models and skills (which to think of them as friends – they were enthusiasm. You needed to be great at types of stretchers are at which venues, more idols, coaches, athletes from the what you did as you were working with what equipment and consumables will be same clubs as me. Then followed Victoria some of the world’s best athletes and available, and how they should be used). (1994), Kuala Lumpur (1998) and support staff. You needed to think clearly 16 VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018