INTERVIEW KYLIE ANDREW CCESS require more carbohydrates as fuel forrecovery, a different program for taper meal of the day really helps to get a good their training, and more protein to buildand another for competition. All thesestart to the day. The next thing in my eyes and repair muscle. Overall, they will oftendifferent phases within a season requireis fuelling their training session need to eat more than a sedentary slight tweaks to how much food is eatenadequately. This will help the athlete to individual. Staying healthy is also generally and what kinds of foods are achieve the goal of that session, or their important to athletes. A very nutritiousseen in their diet. goal in their desired competition. Fruits diet packed with healthy foods and and vegetables are next and an adequate ingredients will be what you see most ofWHAT ARE SOME KEY AREAS amount at that. Recovery is the last thing them eating. OF NUTRITION FOR AN on my list. To recover from one training ATHLETE? WHAT ARE SOME session and ensure they are prepared for HOW DO PORTION SIZES OF THE NON-NEGOTIABLE the next. The same goes for competition. CHANGE BETWEEN ITEMS/AREAS THEY NEED TRAINING PERIODS AND TO BE REGULARLY DOING IN WHAT ARE SOME OF THE COMPETITION PERIODS? ORDER TO ACHIEVE PEAK DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PERFORMANCE? AN ATHLETE’S NUTRITION Athletes will vary their diet during IN PEAK TRAINING LOADS different periods depending on their There are a few simple things which areVERSUS DURING training and goals. Portion sizes may required for an athlete. Firstly, an COMPETITION? therefore be a lot more for an athlete,adequate amount of fluid to remain well especially in certain phases of their hydrated. Dehydration is an athlete’s Competition nutrition is all about training program, say when their trainingworst nightmare and simply not taking inproviding the right nutrients to fuel the goals demand additional fuel. A swimmer,enough fluids throughout the day can race or event. Whereas this changes in for example, may have a training blockhamper competition and training. training due to the fact there could be focused on achieving body composition Another thing is breakfast. Basic really; ancertain goals around training. These could goals, another focused on fuelling andessential start to everyone’s day. The firstinclude certain physiological adaptations VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018 43 ayaksvosiL/kcotsknihT