PEOPLE WHO SHAPED SMA PEOPLE WHO SHAPED SMA WARREN PA What made you decide on a Nevertheless, I was on a path trajectory physiology, were limited in Australia at career in sports science? to becoming a teacher in a secondary that time. Heavily influenced by David school but was unsure this was the right Lawson, I applied and was accepted into Sports Medicine and Sports Science were direction for me. My physical education his alma-mater, Kent State University in in their infancy when I started my career course was built around a social science Ohio, USA. Ultimately, I graduated with a as a Physical Education student in 1974. core but included a good number of Masters and a PhD from Kent State. While Like many, my career choice was strongly sports and exercise science subjects. I at Kent State I was able to greatly expand influenced by a dynamic teacher, in my was fortunate to meet another dedicated my limited background in the biological case Ian Bennett who was my physical and excellent academic, Professor David sciences and develop a specialisation education teacher when I was a high Lawson. David inspired me to explore my in exercise physiology. My doctoral school student in country Victoria. options in sports and exercise science; dissertation investigated the impact of However, I remember asking a careers specifically exercise physiology. It was exercise on heart function. I was advisor if there were any career options David’s influence that helped me decide fortunate to be awarded a University in sport other than teaching and was on a career in sports and exercise science. Fellowship to undertake this research at greeted with a blank look and the North East Ohio Medical University. Like suggestion that I try the army. Thankfully Describe your educational many, completing my formal education for me, the field of sports and exercise background. did not signal the end of my learning. science was expanding in the 1970s. New I have completed many professional physical education courses were being development programs over my career. established that provided options in As I have mentioned previously, my first The most recent of these programs was addition to teaching. I was fortunate to degree was in physical education from an exciting and extremely stimulating be a member of the inaugural physical Footscray Institute of Technology. This program known as the Institute of education class at Footscray Institute of broad ranging, social science-focused Educational Management at the Harvard Technology (now Victoria University). degree gave me a great understanding of University Graduate School of Education The small, dedicated staff led by Dr. Keith the multi-disciplinary nature of sports and Lansley was largely made up of exercise science. After completing my How and when did you first join academics returning to Australia undergraduate degree in 1976, I realised SMA and what was your initial following study in North America. They that to pursue a career in sports and returned from North America with a new exercise science I needed to undertake role? way of viewing physical education and post-graduate education. Options for saw the potential for careers in sport graduate study in sports and exercise I joined SMA (or ASMF as it was then outside of secondary school teaching. science and more specifically, exercise known) in 1984 upon my return to 52 VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018