FEATURE: HIP RELATED PAIN Fig2: Diagrammatic representation of differences in hip joint kinematics in the sagittal plane for people with FAI syndrome compared with controls the establishment and persistence of -1.19 to -0.16; I= 47% p=0.15)2 17 20 25 and symptoms. We recently conducted peak external rotation joint torque (-0.71, a systematic review to document -1.07 to -0.35; I= 0% p=0.82).2 16 17 20 22 27 differences in hip biomechanics in people with FAI syndrome and asymptomatic Squatting controls People with FAI syndrome squatted to a lesser depth compared with controls A systematic search of the literature was (0.92, 0.46 to 1.38; I= 0%, p=0.77),15 23 242 conducted around two main concepts; with no difference in peak hip FAI syndrome and biomechanics and flexion.15 22 23 standard PRISMA guidelines were followed for the systematic review.14 Step ascent, sit-to-stand and Studies were included if they compared drop landing the biomechanics of everyday tasks in There was insufficient evidence to people with and without (control) FAI draw conclusions for clinical practice syndrome, using three-dimensional on these tasks motion capture devices. Standardised mean differences and 95% confidence Conclusion: This review identified that intervals were calculated for all data by people with FAI syndrome demonstrate dividing the difference between groups differences in biomechanics during tasks by the pooled standard deviation and such as walking and squatting. A lower where able, the results were pooled in peak hip extension angle is seen in a a meta-analysis. variety of hip conditions including osteoarthritis28 29and following total hip Thirteen studies15-27were included replacement.30This may be a strategy to in the review with 205 symptomatic reduce anterior hip contact force during participants (151 men), age range 24.1- walking,31however it may also have a A lower peak hip 40.1 years, and 236 controls (158 men), negative effect on the anterior gluteal age range 27.1-43.2 years. Tasks muscles over time and reduce hip32 extension angle is seen investigated included walking, squatting, stability.33 34Furthermore, positions of in a variety of hip step ascent, sit-to-stand, and drop internal rotation are often reported as landing. painful in FAI syndrome.35Lower peak hip conditions including internal rotation and external rotation Walking joint torque may be strategies to reduce osteoarthritis People with FAI syndrome walked with internal rotation to avoid a potentially lower: peak hip extension angle (SMD- painful position. Squatting is a common 0.40, 95% CI-0.71 to -0.09; I= 0%2 daily task, the inability of people with FAI p=0.60),17 20-22 25total sagittal plane range, syndrome to squat as-deep-as controls (-0.51, -0.93 to -0.08; I= 0% p=0.66)2 19 22 may be due to poor performance of the 25peak hip internal rotation angle (-0.67 task and not necessarily a loss in hip VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018 39 allunaj/kcotsknihT