SMA MEMBER NEWS 2018 SMA CONFERENCE — 10-13 OCTOBER: PERTH, WA Registrations and Call for Abstracts have now opened for our annual 2018 SMA Conference. Over $23,000 of funding has been allocated for papers of excellence. We are inviting submissions for: •Scientific abstracts •Practical workshops aligned to clinical sports medicine, sports and exercise science, physical activity and health promotion, and sports injury prevention. •Themed symposiums •Scientific posters The deadline for abstract submission is 23 April 2018. Berd sure to submit your abstract and secure your discounted earlybird registration now. For more information click here, or follow the conversation on social media via #SMACONF18 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS Have you checked your membership status lately? Members can renew SPORTS DIETITIANS membership via the SMA Memberon our website or by contacting our AUSTRALIA (SDA) membership team on 9674 8702. If Sports Dietitians Australia recently you’re thinking of going to our 2018 collaborated with Fitness Australia to Conference, make sure you check out release the NutritionAdvice within Scope special registration + membership of Practice for AusREPs guidelines. These deal for a heavily discounted offer! assist AusREPs find the balance between providing a level of nutritional support to their clients, without providing advice beyond their professional Scope of Practice. For more information click here. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE IN SPORT (VOLUME 21 ISSUE 4 APRIL 2018) HIGHLIGHTS: •Alcohol consumption, masculinity, and alcohol-related violence and anti-social behaviour in sportspeople. More. •Systematic review of the relationship between 20m shuttle run performance and health indicators among children and youth. More. •The fatigue of a full body resistance exercise session in trained men. More. To access, visit VISIT US ON SOCIAL MEDIA @SMA_News @SMA_Events Search Sports Medicine Australia Search Sports Medicine Australia VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018 25