INTERNATIONAL FEATURE AND SPORTS MEDICINE AS A drawn from 12 regional branches. SMNZ American College of Sports SPECIALTY IN NEW ZEALAND serves its members through a twice- Medicine (ACSM). yearly, peer-reviewed journal (NZ Journal 6. Advise individual sports participants, Sports medicine doctors in New Zealand of Sports Medicine) regular newsletters sporting organisations, government fall into three distinct groups. First, and an annual scientific conference. departments and local bodies on primary care doctors with empathy for matters related to sport, health and sport and whose general practice tends THE AIMS OF SPORTS national fitness. to attract athletes. Second, doctors MEDICINE NEW ZEALAND 7. Associate with all areas of community with a postgraduate diploma in sports ARE AS FOLLOWS: health with special emphasis on medicine whose practice is a combination matters concerned with the of primary care and sports medicine. And 1.Promote graduate/postgraduate recreational and physical activity of thirdly those doctors who have obtained educational opportunities in the people of all age groups. full Fellowship of the Australasian College various sciences related to sports of Sports Medicine that requires an medicine. extended period of advanced registrar 2. Disseminate current information from training and subsequent examination. all sources through SMNZ’s official Since 2000 in New Zealand and 2012 in publication, the NZ Journal of Sports Australia, Fellows of the Australasian Medicine, published twice yearly Click ABOUT THE AUTHORS College have been recognised by the this Link for the New Zealand Journal Medical Council of New Zealand, or the of Sports Medicine Authors Guidelines. Professor David Gerrard OBE Australian Medical Council respectively 3. Organise lecture tours by prominent CNZM MB ChB(Otago) FACSP as vocationally registered specialists. sports medicine authorities to give FSMNZ is the first full Professor of members the opportunity to increase Sport and Exercise Medicine at a Today, the speciality is more increasingly their knowledge of sports medicine. New Zealand University. He was accorded the scope of “sport and 4. Organise scientific seminars and a former Olympic swimmer and exercise medicine” to reflect the fact that conferences at regional, national and Commonwealth gold medallist, practitioners are not simply involved with international level involving selected currently serving as Chair of the athletes at the elite end of the sporting prominent experts in the field of WADA Therapeutic Use Exemption spectrum and that a wider group with the sports medicine. Expert Group, a member of the community seeks information on lifestyle 5. Co-operate with national bodies such WADA Health, Medical and modification and exercise prescription. as the Sport and Recreation New Research Committee, Vice-Chair Zealand (SPARC), Sport and Exercise of the FINA Sports Medicine SPORTS MEDICINE NEW Science NZ, Accident Compensation Committee and a member of the ZEALAND (INC) Corporation, NZ Society of IRB Anti-Doping Advisory Physiotherapists, NZ Medical Committee. He has over 80 Sports Medicine New Zealand (SMNZ) Association, Royal NZ College of peer-reviewed publications and is a non-profit-making multidisciplinary General Practitioners, NZ Olympic book chapters and over 30 years organisation for all health professionals Committee and international bodies of research activity in sport and and other groups and individuals including the International Federation exercise medicine. He is a Fellow of interested in community health, with of Sports Medicine (FIMS), the the Australasian College of Sports special reference to the principles of Australasian College of Sports Physicians and a Fellow and Life sports medicine and exercise science. Physicians (ACSP), Sports Medicine member of Sports Medicine New It is guided by a Code of Ethics and Australia (SMA), the British Association Zealand. Professional Conduct and membership is of Sports Medicine (BASM) and the VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018 29 iaznom/kcotsknihT