FEATURE: HIP RELATED PAIN RELATED PAIN & OROACETABULAR GEMENT SYNDROME JOSHUA HEEREY, MATTHEW KING, N IS IT? PETER LAWRENSON, JOANNE KEMP, ADAM SEMCIW AND KAY CROSSLEY MPACT ON BIOMECHANICS? AFFECT MUSCLE FUNCTION? Hip-related pain is common in active of whom are working on Project FORCe conditions are now recognized as a cause young and middle-aged individuals. (the Femoroacetabular impingement of hip and groin related pain.5In particular, Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) OsteoaRthritis Cohort study) under the2FAI syndrome, labral tears and cartilage syndrome, a frequent cause of hip pain,guidance of Professor Kay Crossley (seedefects are thought to be implicated in consists of a triad of imaging findings, http://www.latrobe.edu.au/sport-and- the development of hip and groin related pain, and clinical signs. Femoroacetabular1 exercise-medicine/research/projects pain.5-7Arthroscopic surgery is often impingement can have a large impact on for more information). considered for individuals with pain, the quality of life of those affected. It is appropriate clinical assessment findings thought to be characterized by altered PART ONE: THE PREVALENCE and intra-articular hip pathologies femoral or acetabular morphology, OF INTRA-ARTICULAR HIP identified on imaging.8However, if we such as excessive bone formation at thePATHOLOGIES IN PEOPLE look at other areas of the body, such as femoral head-neck junction known as WITH AND WITHOUT HIP the shoulder and spine, we see that cam-morphology, which can create PAIN WITH JOSHUA HEEREY pathology (e.g. rotator cuff tears or disc aberrant joint forces during hip bulges) identified on imaging is seen movements and potentially damage Adapted from: Heerey JJ, Kemp JL, similarly in individuals with and without intra-articular structures. At present,Mosler AB, et al. What is the prevalence symptoms.9-11In light of this, and the the prevalence of intra-articular hip of imaging-defined intraarticular hip increasing rates of surgery for intra- pathology in those with and without hippathologies in people with and without articular hip conditions identified with pain, including FAI syndrome, is unknown.pain? A systematic review and meta- imaging, it is important to better12 It is also unclear whether hip related painanalysis 2018. British Journal of Sportsunderstand the prevalence of such (including FAI syndrome) is associated Medicine, 2018, Epub ahead of print pathologies in individuals with and with alterations in biomechanics or doi.10. 1136/bjsports-2017-098264 without hip and groin related pain. Having muscle characteristics. This article will a better understanding of the relationship discuss key aspects of the PhD work of Background: We know that hip and between symptoms and imaging findings physiotherapists Joshua Heerey, Matthewgroin related pain affects an individual’smay improve management of individuals King (both La Trobe University) and Peterability to participate in personal andwith intra-articular hip pathologies. Lawrenson (University of Queensland), allrecreational activities.3 4Intra-articular hip VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018 37