FEATURE: LETS GO TEAM GUYANA Working at the Commonwealth Games required dedication, focus, patience and enthusiasm. Alongside my great expectations of the Games, the Games will also bestow great expectations and responsibility upon me. Duty of care is an important issue we all encounter as members of a sport science and medicine team. As Team Physiotherapist for Guyana, my responsibilities will include working within my scope of practice as a physiotherapist – rising to any challenges within my skillset, while utilising and referring to the available multi-disciplinary team to deliver the best possible medical support to the athletes. Return to play decisions could be tough. Athletes will be here competing on an international stage, doing their job and/or realising their dream to represent their country. Advising on fitness or unfitness to compete in the face of injury or ill-health is an enormous responsibility, and consequential on several levels – these pressures escalate at major games. Adrenaline will be pumping – natural of course. But what about the unnatural? This could be the Games without a single doping offence – you never know. As a physiotherapist and member of the sport science and medicine team I will be an advocate of Fair Play and all that it entails – a level playing field, physiologically, socially and in all behaviours around sport. VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018 17 FR ranooZ/kcotsknihT