FROM THE CEO THE TEAM FROM THECEO BEHIND THE ATHLETE SMA CEO, ANTHONY MERRILEES TALKS ABOUT THE DRIVING FORCE BEHIND ATHLETE SUCCESS. F or me, nothing epitomizes sportThese upcoming Commonwealth Games more than the effort required will gather the best talent Australia has to work with others in a team on offer across a wide range of sports. environment. A team, in my eyes,For the first time since 2006, our is not just the players on the field or thecompeting athletes have the great athlete. The true team is the athlete andprivilege of showcasing their talents in the entire support team behind them: thefront of a supportive home crowd that physiotherapist, psychologist, nutritionist,wishes none other than for them to coach, strength coach and the otherachieve their best. professionals that help keep the elite athlete in peak condition. The medical professionals and trainers Anthony Merrilees that are involved with the preparation, This extended team includes the closemaintenance and guidance of athletes, support of family and friends. It is thesewill be working furiously behind-the- people who work behind the scenes withscenes to ensure the athletes little outside praise: the team behindrepresenting Australia at the Games are the team. in the best condition possible and are primed to achieve success. With that as the focus, I see the Commonwealth Games as an event thatWhen an athlete achieves success showcases these skills of team-work andat these games, my highlight won’t communication at the highest level.necessarily be their success alone. I’ll also These professionals are the extendedbe celebrating the success of the team families of the competing athletes. Thebehind the team who worked tirelessly time and energy they put into the sport,to drive that success and who have along with the utmost care and attentionachieved something rather remarkable in they devote to the health and wellbeingtheir own right. I see the of their athletes, really shines through Commonwealth when an athlete’s goals are achieved. And conversely, the commiserations Games as an event shared when expectations are shattered. that showcases these skills of team- work and communication, at the highest level. VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018 3