THE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE IN SPORT SAUNA USE+ HEAT ACCLIMA ACCELERATES HEAT THE FOLLOWING IS A REPUBLISHED EDITORIAL WHICH FEATURES INTHE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE IN SPORT (VOLUME 21, ISSUE 2, FEBRUARY 2018) WRITTEN BY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, GORDON S. WADDINGTON, PHD. This month’s first feature article, Mee,concussion in rugby players. Nunes, Peters, Doust and Maxwell report a novelBarton and Serrao describe changes in strategy for accelerating heat acclimationforce development and strength at the in females by incorporating saunahip in females with patellofemoral pain exposure in the heat loading protocol.with no apparent changes in gluteal In the second article Newcomb andmuscle morphology. McKenna and colleagues describe the effect of hipcolleagues examine the patterns of bracing on pain and biomechanics ofultrasound determined shoulder muscle individuals with femoroacetabularmorphology in swimmers with and impingement and in the third article, dewithout shoulder pain. Casartelli’s group Mullenheim’s group outline methods forquestion the usefulness of the hip flexion- predicting outdoor walking energyadduction-internal rotation test in expenditure. screening youth ice hockey players. The second article in the sport andIn the first of the sports injury papers, exercise medicine section this month, byKing and co-workers describe the rates Abrahams and co-workers reports anand magnitudes of head impacts in association between the APOE gene andfemale rugby league athletes. Cramer, 26 VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018