SPORTS TRAINERS GUIDE ENTAL S NG INJURIES at different cooling of deeper structures. Shivering temperatures contact Remember that the more blood is If the temperature is cold, the body will each other, for example, committed to transporting heat to theattempt to product heat by shivering. an athlete will lose heat body surface, the less is available to theShivering interferes with performance to the environment on a working muscles. and should be avoided. Wearing cold morning. Conduction is appropriate clothing will help prevent particularly important when exercising in Sweating this response. water. Water is an effective conductor ofMost athletes sweat profusely to control heat; therefore, body heat will be lost verytheir body temperature. Large quantities quickly in cool water. of water can be lost as sweat when Want to learn more about exercising in the heat. This fluid must beenvironmental influences on REGULATING BODY replaced to allow the body to effectivelysporting injuries? Sports TEMPERATURE control its temperature and function Medicine Australia runs a range normally. If the fluid is not replaced,of courses. For the complete Changing the amount of blood flow todehydration can occur, which will limit thecalendar of courses, visit: the skin body’s ability to sweat and lose heat and If the body is cold, blood flow willwill therefor diminish performance. decrease to the periphery (hands, feet and ears) and to the skin. If the core temperature is too hot, the body will dilate the blood vessels to increase the blood flow to the skin. Increased blood flow to the skin brings heat to the body surface where it will be lost, allowing VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018 51 paCrotkiV/kcotsknihT