5 MINUTES WITH INTERVIEW How did you become involved Modern Athlete and support the with SMA? students in their study experience. FAVOURITES I have been an SMA member since I For more information about the was a Physiotherapy student, when I Melbourne University Sports Travel destination: Bath, UK. I lived sought every opportunity to build a Medicine program, please click here. there for 6 years, my first two career in sports medicine. This began children were born there, and it is with completing the SMA Provide How did you come to be home to some of my favourite First Aid and SMA Sports Trainer in this role? people in the world. Courses, so I could work on fields Sport to play/watch: Netball. of play and with local sporting Throughout my career I have worked I played netball for Victoria and organisations to support my studies. in private practice and with high internationally for many years, and After graduating I taught these same performance athletes across many still enjoy a game. As netball grows courses in schools and on weekends. different sports, which has led me in participation, recognition and I have never looked back – I have to value the importance of the professionalism, I am an avid 5been an SMA member ever since.What do you think the benefitof being a SMA member providesespecially within your field?My SMA membership has satalongside and supported all my careerstages – from student, to early career,established career and educator.There is something for everyone.Whatever your profession or level ofinvolvement in sport science andmedicine, the SMA online resourcesand position statements are at yourfingertips, as well as member-directupdates and discounts onconferences, education and certificatequalifications. It is a multi-professionalorganisation, which fits my practiceenvironment and facilitatesinterdisciplinary team in athletemanagement, including placing theathlete at the centre of managementplans – using your skills to meet theirneeds, and supporting them inmeeting their own needs.As a netballer and physiotherapist atthe University of Bath within theprogressive, dynamic Sports TrainingVillage, I joined a multi-disciplinaryteam of sport science & medicineprofessionals and educators who hada vision to develop postgraduateeducation in line with the needs ofbusy and practicing clinicians; and tofacilitate the development of theparticular skillset and attributes tosupport high performance athletes.This is how I came to be involved inuniversity curriculum design andsupporter of the athletes, theirathleticism, dedication andadvocacy for the sport.Cuisine: Coffee and fine chocolate.Movie: I don’t really watch movies– that would mean sitting still fora while.TV program: Sherlock. And any/allsport, which doesn’t count as‘screen time’ in our house.Song: Everything is awesome!Book: I love a good read. Everythingfrom autobiographies to modernliterature. Plus, I have read children’sbooks every day for nearly 10years… and counting….Gadget: Wizz stick. Any meal can opportunity to ‘tap’ into other education, which was over 10 years become a nutritious smoothie! minutesspecialised areas; or tune right in to ago now! the education and networking My experience (and relocation back to my home town) led me to the University of Melbourne, where there What’s the best piece of advice was opportunity to develop a new anyone has ever given to you? program in sports medicine. Again, Medicine program co-ordinator I am privileged to be part of a dynamic Students often ask my advice on at the University of Melbourne. program team with a vision for juggling life commitments, work and evidence-informed best practice in study, and we often discuss time Over the last several years I have had sports medicine, and to shape an management opportunities alongside a leading role in designing a brand education program for professionals a true desire to achieve your goals new online postgraduate Sports to achieve this – all flexibly and online, through prioritising different activities Medicine program, which has now so learning transfers straight into at different times. But the best piece launched in 2018. As part of a team, current practice and fits around of advice someone gave me was: “You it’s my role to design and map the other exciting practice and life are replaceable to everyone except curriculum to the competencies of opportunities. These things are your family.” various professional associations in so important to well-rounded sports medicine, so that it supports professionals and a healthy Name four people, living or not, established and developing career work-life-career balance. you would invite for a dinner party pathways and meets graduates’ professional needs. Then, align this and why? with best practice in online education, Besides sports medicine, what are you passionate about? It has to be my four children – Leo, to enable students to learn effectively, Stan, Arlo and Amelie. We have a efficiently and alongside their practice Participation in sport and exercise for dinner party every night! There is and other life commitments. It’s also healthy living and enjoyment. I am never a lull in conversation, my role to co-ordinate a team of very passionate about children and entertainment, sharing experiences tutors so that students are learning adults having healthy ‘playtime’ – that and new ideas – many of which would from multi-disciplinary experts across is, unstructured time to enjoy each change the world! the different specialised areas. I also other’s company, use imaginations, currently tutor on the first subject and be active throughout life. VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018 5