INTERVIEW KYLIE ANDREW FUELLING SUC NUTRITIONAL PREPARATION FOR ELITE ATHLETES KYLIE ANDREW, SPORTS With the Commonwealth Games fast This varies a lot depending on the athlete approaching, many athletes will be in theand various factors including their sport, DIETITIAN AND NUTRITION final stages of training to get themselvestraining program, current weight and CONSULTANT AT THE into peak performance. Part of thisbody composition and goals (training VICTORIAN INSTITUTE OF process will revolve around nutrition.goals etc). Typically, we, as athlete and It is one of the major factors which willdietitian, aim for a well-balanced diet SPORT, UNPACKS THE influence the body’s ability to performcontaining foods from each of the food NUTRITIONAL PREPARATION athletically. A well fuelled athlete will be groups. ELITE ATHLETES UNDERGO eating a nutritious and well-balanced dietA well-balanced diet will have plenty of on a daily basis. This means preparingfruits and vegetables, breads and cereals TO ENSURE THEY HAVE THE for training sessions and recoveringfor energy, meats/alternatives for protein BEST CHANCE OF SPORTING afterwards by eating a combination of theand other essential minerals, dairy right foods and fluids. This part of trainingproducts also for protein, as well as SUCCESS AT THE GAMES. will be well drilled come competition timecalcium and other nutrients, not to on the Gold Coast. Kylie Andrews, Sportsmention some good fats and oils to Dietitian and Nutrition Consultant at theprovide another source of energy. Victorian Institute of Sport, guided Sport Health on the importance of nutrition andWHAT ARE SOME OF THE proper fuelling of the body of an athleteDIFFERENCES BETWEEN AN competing at the Commonwealth Games.ELITE ATHLETE’S NUTRITION AND A REGULAR PERSON’S COULD YOU GIVE A GENERAL NUTRITION LOOK LIKE? OUTLINE OF WHAT A WELL- ROUNDED NUTRITIONAL In most cases, an athlete will require more INTAKE MIGHT LOOK LIKE of certain nutrients than an average FOR AN ATHLETE? person. For example, an elite athlete will 42 VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018