INTERVIEW KYLIE ANDREW FUELLING SUCCESS NUTRITIONAL PREPARATION FOR ELITE ATHLETES that the athlete is aiming for. Competitionathlete is comfortable with, is alsoTHAT EVENING OR THE may also see a reduction in total energy important. NEXT DAY? expenditure, so the athlete may not require as much food as they might eatWHAT ARE THE TYPES OF Getting adequate carbohydrate to during a heavy training phase. This canSNACKS ATHLETES MIGHT replenish glycogen stores may be take some guidance and practice for BE EATING DURING important for those races where there athletes to perfect. COMPETITION AT THE is a significant reliance on carbs as fuel. GAMES? Therefore, foods such as fruit, bread, rice MOVING AWAY FROM THE or pasta may be used. Protein for muscle GENERAL GUIDELINES OF Again, this depends on the athlete and repair may also be beneficial, a milk drink NUTRITION, WHAT ARE THE their sport. Shorter duration events mayor yoghurt often ticks this box. SORTS OF FOODS THEY not require any food during the event, WILL BE EATING PRE-EVENT whereas a road cycling event or triathlonWHAT IS THE IDEAL TIME (MORNING OF over several hours may require topping FOR THEM TO BE EATING COMPETITION)? up of glycogen (muscle carbohydrate POST-RACE? stores). Easy to eat and digest Most athletes will opt for a light optioncarbohydrates will be used here, such asAthletes should aim to eat ASAP after pre-event. Some carbs to top up energysports drinks, bananas, gels etc. their event, ideally within 30 minutes. levels, but nothing too heavy. They may This is particularly important if they have choose a lower fibre option so that theyWHAT TIME SHOULD THEY another event or training session in less don’t feel too full. They’ll likely also goBE EATING PRE-RACE? than 24 hours. lower in protein and fats, as these foods take longer to digest. They may also leaveMost athletes will have their pre-eventSHOULD ATHLETES BE the athlete feeling full and take away fuelmeal a couple of hours before their eventHAVING SUPPLEMENT that should be going to the muscles andto allow time for the foods to digest. TheSHAKES OR SIMILAR the brain at a critical time. So typically,rough guideline is around two hours prior.THINGS POST-RACE? no heavy steaks or fried foods at the pre-event meal. Of course, choosing WHAT SHOULD THEY BE Supplements and shakes are not essential something that is tried and true that theEATING POST-RACE? EITHER but may be a “convenient” option for TO REFUEL FOR FINALS IN recovery. They don’t offer anything 44 VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018