SECTION HEADER PEOPLE WHO SHAPED SMA WARREN PAYNE facilitated the development of specialist groups such as Sports Dieticians Australia and Exercise and Sports Science Australia (originally Australian Association for Exercise and Sports Science), while at the same time, ensuring continued engagement with SMA as an over-arching professional organisation. Part of the professionalization of SMA was the What was your job history re-development of our journal. Being physical activity opportunities to young part of the team responsible for the outside of SMA? people from socially disadvantaged re-development of the Journal of Science backgrounds. Like many academics, and Medicine in Sport (JSAMS) to I have been an academic for over 30 I have gradually migrated into university become a leader on the international years with my time split between Victoria management. First, as Head of the School stage was very rewarding. In addition to University and Federation University. of Human Movement and Sport Sciences the re-development of JSAMS, I was I have lived through the (at times) at the University of Ballarat (now fortunate to be involved in the re-scoping challenging evolution of these Federation University) and for the past of the national Conference and in Universities from an Institute of eight years, as Vice President (Research) particular expanding the Conference Technology, in the case of Victoria at Victoria University. award program while acting as Chief University and from a College of Judge of the Conference awards for a Advanced Education in the case of How did being part of SMA help 10 year period. A highlight during this Federation University. My teaching and you in your other roles? period was the staging of the 2000 research started in exercise physiology Pre-Olympic Conference. and evolved into physical activity and health. I was strongly involved in the SMA was an invaluable part of my The changes at the national level were provision of elite athlete services to a professional life. I was extremely lucky to mirrored in Victoria. Establishing a range of sports before and after the be able to work with some of Australia’s professional workforce was a major establishment of the Victorian Institute most successful sports medicine achievement during my period on the of Sport. This included sports such as practitioners and sports scientists. SMA Victorian Council executive along with rowing, cycling, swimming and members such as Dr. Fred Better, Dr. Jack the establishment of the annual Victorian badminton. I led the establishment of Refshauge, Dr. John Hart and Professor SMA conference. Another milestone in the West-Vic Academy of Sport as part Frank Pyke, were all invaluable mentors which I was engaged was the of the Victorian regional sports academy and colleagues. They taught me the value establishment and then acting as a board network. More recently, I established of strong multidisciplinary professional member of Olympic Park Sports a research group focused on the relationships and how to survive in a Medicine Centre which was initially intersection of health and sport and in highly complex and political professional created as a partnership involving particular, the provision of sports and world. SMA Victoria. 54 VOLUME 36 • APRIL ISSUE 2018