Leadership and Collaboration GASTRO-INTESTINAL CANCERS participants from across the VCCC alliance partners and Monash Health attended, demonstrating the level Research & Education Lead: Professor Peter Gibbs, of interest in this opportunity. Walter and Eliza Hall Institute Clinical Education Lack of agreement on clinical management of pancreatic cancer represents a risk for clinical training in the field. Efforts to standardise treatment and follow-up protocols across the VCCC in line with current best practice will be a focus in the next phase of this program. Professor Gibbs is also Strategic Research Plan (SRP) champion for the Registry Trials program (see more on page 52). Phase I Priorities 2017–18 • Focus on pancreatic cancer — typically the poorest survival rates hence the potential for significant improvement in patient outcomes through research and best clinical practice • I dentify and define collaborative opportunities in pancreatic cancer research • Progress agreement on clinical management of pancreatic cancer across VCCC partner hospitals to support a consistent approach to clinical education KEY ACTIVITIES Consultation Outcomes Given the pancreatic cancer field is comparatively small, and numbers of patients limited, clinical registries are essential to capture data and understand where patterns of patient care vary. Consultation Pancreatic Cancer symposium, July 2017 revealed a clear need to bring together various research groupings interested in various pancreatic cancer registries to clarify the purpose and details As a relatively rare cancer with poor of each to the clinical community and identify outcomes, progress on pancreatic collaborative opportunities. cancer requires consistent, shareable Pancreatic Cancer: Registries, Trials and data to build knowledge and provide Translational Research symposium useful comparisons for research. Significant steps have been made In July 2017, Professor Gibbs hosted a symposium towards this with a view to developing bringing gastroenterologists, surgeons, oncologists future registry trials. and clinical trials specialists together with clinical and scientific researchers to discuss the issues around clinical registries for pancreatic cancer. Fifty-five 23