Clinical Trials Expansion CAPACITY BUILDING Investigator-initiated Trial Capacity Building of selected trials. Service providers for the Clinical Trial Assistance Scheme have been contracted. Access to the Increased support for investigator-initiated trials scheme will be via Expression of Interest with the first was an almost universal request from stakeholders supported trial to be announced in August 2018. and seen as the highest strategic priority in the development of the SRP. There is a recognised need for Building Capacity through Efficiency systems and infrastructure to support non-commercial, ‘public-good’ clinical trials in Australia. These trials often Under this program, the VCCC is generating new ask questions that the pharmaceutical and biotech clinical trial capacity by improving efficiency, quality industries are unlikely to invest in, but that cancer and consistency of clinical trial management. This will patients benefit from. On average, non-commercial decrease costs per trial and free up site staff time to trials at VCCC sites recruit more patients per trial than take on more clinical trials. commercially-sponsored trials. This program consists of a series of complementary Under this program the VCCC provides resources and projects that aim to reduce administrative, governance expertise to help more investigators to open and and regulatory workload for trials across the VCCC conduct a clinical trial. This includes creation of a alliance. VCCC Clinical Trial Development Hub to support idea generation, protocol development and mentoring These improvements will build capacity and help of investigators, as well as development of a VCCC attract more sponsored trials and lead to more clinical Clinical Trial Assistance Scheme. This provides access trials available for cancer patients. to resources to support the development, conduct and management of selected investigator-initiated and At this stage, an environmental scan of public and non-commercial trials. available literature has helped establish the key opportunities and defined key priorities to maximise Under the guidance of a steering committee, trial impact. A steering group has been formed to guide support services have been agreed and secured, ready the next phase of the program. to support the development, conduct and management 51