Section Full house for the Paradigms of Response and Resistance with Targeted Therapies Symposium Understanding Response and Resistance to To date, positron emission tomography (PET) Targeted Therapies instruments at three VCCC partner sites have been newly-accredited for use in clinical trials. This brings Matching the ideal targeted therapy to individual the total of clinical-trial accredited PET scanners patients is a significant challenge. While some patientswithin the alliance to five, making a significant respond well to treatment with targeted therapies, difference to the capacity to measure patient response many do not. to targeted therapies without invasive biopsies. This SRP program seeks to understand the biological In addition, protocols and standard operating basis for this phenomenon and use this research to procedures have been established to enable the use help more patients benefit by receiving the treatment of mass cytometry to analyse patient response to that is right for them. targeted therapies in clinical trials. There is considerable expertise and capability in cancerWork in this area is underpinned by education for biology and analytical technologies among the VCCC clinicians and researchers. In May 2018 a symposium partners. The initial focus of this program has been Paradigms of Response and Resistance with Targeted to capitalise on this and apply it to the investigation Therapies was convened to share learning between of how patients enrolled in clinical trials respond to different research groups and increase awareness of targeted therapies. the research and clinical applications of the work in this area. 41