Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre |Annual Report 2017–18 Building Analytical Capability for This rich information source will be accessible to Data-driven Research researchers through a new VCCC Data-driven Research Hub supported by a dedicated program manager to Independent evidence shows that health data access assist in maximising its use. and use is a major capability gap in Australian health and medical research. This program sets out to make The data is critical to the work being done by new better use of existing health data to inform health Chair in Cancer Health Services Research, Professor service delivery and improve patient outcomes. Maarten IJzerman at the University of Melbourne and will enable research that provides an evidence base for The program has focussed on bringing in new improving the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of expertise and building a platform that facilitates cancer care in Victoria. sharing, access and use of cancer health data for research. The platform also supports further investment in clinical informatics by the University of Melbourne The novel platform of linked data has already including a future Centre for Clinical Informatics on progressed to incorporate primary care data and data Level 13 of the VCCC building. from two partner hospitals. Linkage to the Victorian Cancer Registry has begun and when complete, this will provide definitive diagnosis data and important outcome data on Victorian cancer patients (refer to case study on page 48). 44