Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre | Annual Report 2017–18 Balance Sheet As at 30 June 2018 Notes 2018 2017 $ $ Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 4 6,361,032 2,664,218 Other financial assets 5 9,500,000 3,000,000 Trade and other receivables 6 79,486 27,101 Prepayments 7 1,008,159 - Total Current assets 16,948,677 5,691,319 Non-Current assets Investment in Cancer Therapeutics CRC 9,596 9,596 Property, plant and equipment 8 175,545 27,628 Total non-current assets 185,141 37,224 Total assets 17,133,818 5,728,543 Liabilities Current liabilities Trade and other payables 9 435,549 224,010 Provisions 10 108,958 76,288 Total Current liabilities 544,507 300,298 Non-Current liabilities Provisions 10 97,621 60,893 Total Non-Current liabilities 97,621 60,893 Total liabilities 642,128 361,191 Net assets 16,491,690 5,367,352 Equity Accumulated Surplus 16,491,690 5,367,352 Total equity 16,491,690 5,367,352 Contingent assets and contingent liabilities 18 Commitments for expenditure 19 This Balance Sheet should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes included on pages 12 to 33 of the full VCCC Annual Report 2017–18, available at 66