Strategic Risk Register Northern Territory Major Events Company is a proprietary company limited by shares and is subject to the provisions of the Corporations Act 2001. Our Risk Management Framework provides guidance around mitigating material risks, and achieving and maintaining our operational, and strategic objectives as we support and facilitate major events across the Territory. The Framework helps the company fulfil its obligations and commitments in relation to Work, Health and Safety legislation, and assists with minimising reputational risk, operational disruption and financial loss while ensuring a higher level of consistency across all risk-management activities. In 2023-24 NT Major Events renewed the external risk consultant contract to ensure outside expertise constantly challenges our thinking and advises of contemporary methods and legislative changes. Risk Management The Northen Territory Major Events Company Board has reviewed the strategic risks for the organisation and added a ninth risk – sustainability. The failure to protect the environment and utilise resources in a sustainable way is an increasingly important risk for NT Major Events. The underlying causes for the below-listed strategic risks are captured in our Corporate and Event Risk Registers which are managed by our Executive Team. With this Risk Framework in place, we ensure that the strategic risks our board identifies are managed effectively throughout the organisation at all levels. Once a year the Executive Team reviews the Strategic Risk Register together with the Board to identify any changes and report on ongoing Treatment Plans. 22