Volume Three Appendix 13 MEP HNZ List Heritage Address Value applies to Reference No. (if Resource applicable) 12 House 16 Hampton St, Picton Building envelope 13 5392 Picton Railway 3-5B Auckland St, Picton Building envelope Station 14 Plaque - Picton Foreshore Plaque Memorial to Captain Cook 15 WWI Memorial London Quay, Picton Archway building including Gateway Foreshore banisters 16 Former Railway Picton Foreshore Area to east of WWI Station Platform Memorial, including wall along London Quay 17 Verandah and 6 High St, 22-24 London Verandah and lattice work lattice work Quay, Picton above cafe. 18 5108 Oxley’s Hotel 1-9 Wellington St and Façade and verandas London Quay, Picton 19 House (former 34 Auckland St, Picton Building envelope Presbyterian Manse) 20 Fifth Bank 33 Wellington St, Picton Building envelope 22 & 23 WWII Memorial 77 Waikawa Rd, Picton Stonework gateway and Gateway fence to marina 24 House Picton Power House Building envelope Reserve, 8-10 Wairau Rd, Picton 25 House 7 Rutland St, Picton Building envelope 26 House 28 Waikawa Rd, Picton Façade 27 2967 House (known as 9 Oxford St, Picton Building envelope and Sennen House) interior 28 House 20 Buller St, Picton Building envelope 29 House 10 Market St, Picton Building envelope 30 Plaque – Site of 36 Broadway, Picton Plaque Provincial Building, first capital of Marlborough. 31 House (Former 22 Broadway, Picton Building envelope Picton Collegiate School 1899) 32 1543 Sundial Holy Trinity Church Sundial Grounds, Wairau Rd, Picton 33 House (former 5 Waitohi Pl, Picton Original foundations of police station, police station office, store jail) and cells form perimeter of Playcentre sandpits 35 House (former 123 Wellington St, Picton Building envelope and Picton Convent) interior 36 House 129 Wellington St, Picton Building envelope App 13 - 3