Appendix 2 Volume Three 7. Maud Island Abiotic Values - The Island landform of steep to moderately steep coastal hills with inlets and bays retains a high maritime influence. - The Island forms a distinct pyramidal form with a slender landform connecting Maud Island to Harter Point. Biotic Values - Internationally significant, predator free Island sanctuary. - Harbours nationally threatened species of invertebrates, birdlife and the entire population of the Maud Island Frog. - Home Bay contains 15 hectares of remnant bush including kohekohe, tawa, nikau, pukatea and mahoe. - Most of the Island is cloaked in regenerating shrubland and forest. - Several species of plants uncommon in Marlborough Sounds occur on Maud Island including the large-leaved milk tree, Sonchus kirkii and renga renga lily. - Sheltered coastline with multiple aspects. - Near-shore marine areas retain high natural values. Experiential - Distinct island landform, pyramidal skyline and slender neck of Harter Point is Values very evident. - Vegetation predominates views of the island which straddles the inner and outer Marlborough Sounds. 8. Tennyson Inlet and Inner Pelorus Sound Abiotic Values - The coastline is moderately dissected with numerous large, deeply indented inlets and smaller bays. - Very sheltered with limited wave fetch. - Three islands are strategically located at the entrance of Tennyson Inlet. Biotic Values - Much of the area is backed by native forest clad hillslopes. - Intact coastal forest extends to the water’s edge, some of the largest tracts of lowland forest in Marlborough. - Largely intact and nationally significant altitudinal sequences of primary forest, extending from ridgetops to seafloor. - Vegetation comprises coastal podocarp/broadleaved forest at lower altitudes and mature beech forest that stretches to the summits of the hills. These sequences extend north into Tennyson Inlet and south into Nydia Bay. - Some plant communities are possum free. - Tennyson Inlet is the largest marine area in Marlborough surrounded by protected native forest. Much of the coast extending from the head of Nydia Bay along the western side of Pelorus Sound to Jacobs Bay is also clad in native bush. - Marine habitats and communities are mostly unmodified and retain high natural values. Experiential - This area retains an overwhelming sense of naturalness, from shore to ridge. Values Access is limited to this area by one road: Tennyson Inlet Road. - - The Nydia Track connects Tennyson Inlet and Nydia Bay with Kaiuma Bay, north of Havelock through mainly forested slopes. - The area includes rare examples of sheltered inland inlets with limited modification to the water and the shores. App 2 - 22