Appendix 5 Volume Three Standard/Parameter Interpretation of Standard/Parameter Classification Colour or visual - Hue must not be changed by more than 10 points on the AE, FS clarity Munsell scale. - The natural clarity must not be conspicuously changed due to sediment or sediment laden discharge originating from the site of a land disturbance operation. - The change in reflectance must be <50%. - Measurements are to be made immediately upstream of the discharge and below the discharge after reasonable mixing. Dissolved Oxygen - The daily minimum must be ≥0.75mg/l. AE, FS, F (DO) Deposited Fine - The DFS cover must be <20%. AE, FS Sediment (DFS) – Stoney Bottom Streams Conspicuous oil or - Conspicuous oil or grease films, scums or foams, or floatable AE, FS, F grease films, scums or suspended materials must not be produced. or foams, or floatable or suspended materials Objectionable odour - Objectionable odour must not be emitted. AE, FS, F Suitability for - Water must not be rendered unsuitable for consumption by AE, FS, F consumption by farm farm animals. animals Suitability of fish for - Fish must not be rendered unsuitable for human consumption F human consumption by the presence of contaminants. Periphyton cover - Cover must be <30% when river flow is < median. F, CR (filamentous algae >20mm long) Macroinvertebrate - Must be >100 when river flow is < median. F Community Index (MCI) – Stoney Bottom Streams Escherichia coli (E. - Between 1 November and 30 April of the following year mean CR coli) E. c oli levels must be <126/100mL when rivers are at < median flow. - At all other times mean E. c oli levels must be <260/100mL when rivers are at < median flow. - Between 1 November and 30 April of the following year maximum E. coli levels must be <260/100mL when rivers are at < median flow. - Between 1 November and 30 April of the following year maximum E. coli levels must be <260/100mL when rivers are at < median flow. App 5 – 20