Volume Three Appendix 22 Appendix 22 Commercial Forestry Harvest Plan The matters that must be addressed in any Commercial Forestry Harvest Plan are: 1. The name and contact details of the landowner, the owner of the cutting rights to the forest on the land and the manager of the harvesting operation. 2. When it is intended the harvesting will commence and when it will be completed. 3. If harvesting of any block will continue for more than one year, the stages in which harvesting will be carried out and when. 4. The location on a map of all rivers, lakes or significant wetlands within or adjacent to the area to be harvested. 5. The location on a map of the coastal marine area if it is within 50 metres of the area to be harvested. 6. The location on a map of all existing and new forestry roads, forestry tracks and skid sites to be used, created or maintained. 7. The harvesting methods to be used and which areas will be cable-hauled and which will be harvested using ground based methods. 8. The erosion and sediment control methods to be used. 9. Slash storage sites identified and clearly documented, including using skid diagrams for each site. App 22 - 1