Appendix 3 Volume Three M: The site contains one or a few regionally or locally (but not nationally) threatened or rare flora, fauna or communities. L: The site is not known to contain flora, fauna or communities that are threatened or rare in the ecological district or biogeographic area, regionally or nationally. Diversity and pattern 7. Indigenous vegetation or habitat of indigenous fauna that contains a high diversity of indigenous ecosystem or habitat types, indigenous taxa, or has changes in species composition reflecting the existence of diverse natural features or ecological gradients. H: The site contains an unusually high diversity of species and ecosystem types. M: The site contains a moderate diversity of species and ecosystem types. L: The site contains a relatively low diversity of species and ecosystem types. Distinctiveness 8. Indigenous vegetation or an association of indigenous species that is distinctive, of restricted occurrence, occurs within an originally rare ecosystem, or has developed as a result of an unusual environmental factor or combinations of factors. H: The site contains any ecological feature that is unique nationally, in the region or in the ecological district; or it contains several such features that are outstanding regionally or in the ecological district or biogeographic area. M: The site contains ecological features that are notable or unusual but not outstanding or unique nationally, in the region or in the ecological district or biogeographic area. L: The site contains no ecological features that are outstanding or unique nationally, in the region or in the ecological district or biogeographic area; i.e. the ecological features are typical rather than distinctive or special. Size and shape 9. The site is significant if it is moderate to large in size and is physically compact or cohesive. H: The site is large in size for the region or ecological district and is compact in shape. M: The site is moderate in size for the region or ecological district and is compact in shape; or the site is relatively large but not very compact or cohesive. L: The site is small in size for the region or ecological district, or the site is moderate in size but not at all compact or cohesive. Connectivity/ecological context 10. 1Vegetation or habitat of indigenous fauna that provides or contributes to an important ecological linkage or network, or provides an important buffering function. 11. A wetland which plays an important hydrological, biological or ecological role in the natural functioning of a river or coastal system. 12. Indigenous vegetation or habitat of indigenous fauna that provides important habitat (including refuges from predation, or key habitat for feeding, breeding, or resting) for indigenous species, either seasonally or permanently. H: The site is close or well connected to a large natural area or several other natural areas. App 3 - 2